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Operational Excellence
Potraviny a nápoje

Direct link IT & OT puts factories on cloud nine

Zveřejněno Operational Excellence25. Únor 2019

Just imagine getting rid of cumbersome middleware or PC data concentrators at your production locations and being able to enjoy the benefits of direct database connectivity. Where Information Technology (IT) & Operational Technology (OT) come together something beautiful happens. We have created a production environment in which databases and machine controllers are best friends and keep in touch continuously.
Omron's specialists are keenly aware how to best tailor advanced means of data collection to your specific production situation. It is all about having access to the right data at the right time to make the right decisions to further improve manufacturing operations to stay competitive and realize an edge in your market. It is not just about high tech sensors or smart use of artificial intelligence; it is about total automation solutions that catapult your factory into the Industry 4.0 future. Our NX controller with direct database connectivity has those qualities.

More data to handle

Industrial IoT-enabled distributed analytics will further extend data processing and computing close to or at the data source. This is accomplished typically through intelligent, two-way communication devices, such as sensors, controllers, and gateways. In many instances, the data for distributed analytics comes from IIoT-connected devices located at the edge of the operational network. That means that the amount of data at your disposal in the PLC is growing.

Fast real-time data, better maintenance

Omron’s Sysmac controller creates a direct link between databases and machine controllers. The NX Machine Controller with direct SQL interface eliminates the need for cumbersome middleware or PC data concentrator, creating a much faster automation environment. Such developments open new opportunities for big data related situations. Furthermore, automatic and real-time production data collection facilitates better maintenance, both preventive & predictive.

Pro-actively preventing downtime

When a machine builder systematically would collect all production and performance related data of every machine it delivers, the benefits would be multiple. By comparing all data, the machine builder could identify abnormal behaviour or performance and investigate on location what the reason is for the variations. It opens the door to be pro-active towards customers in identifying dormant failures and preventing financial losses due to downtime issues.

This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Direct link IT & OT puts factories on cloud nine' as a solution for Expect the unexpected: Prepare, Prevent & Predict.

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