Kompaktní paticové jednotky pro regulaci hladiny
Jednotka 61F-LS je určena pro jednobodovou nebo dvoubodovou regulaci hladiny vodivých tekutých materiálů. Díky parametrizaci přepínače DIP jsou nové řídicí jednotky 61F flexibilní: stejné zařízení, různé aplikace, optimalizovaný inventář.
- Stejné zařízení je vhodné pro regulaci hladiny přítoku i odtoku
- O 35 % nižší spotřeba energie*
- Provozní LED indikátor
- Nízkonapěťové (AC) elektrody (8 V AC nebo 24 V AC) se objednávají zvlášť
- Způsob detekce: vodivostní
- Vyhovuje směrnicím EMC a LVD, schváleno normami UL/CSA
*V porovnání s předchozí generací
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Application | Functions | Features | Cable length | Installation type | Terminal | Size | Supply voltage AC | Supply voltage DC | Output type | Contact description | Body color | Number of inputs for electrodes | Popis | |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Salt water | Conductive level control | High sensitivity, Low sensitivity | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, high functionality type, adjustable sensitivity, advanced operation, 8 pins, relay output, 100-240 VAC |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Salt water | Conductive level control | High sensitivity, Low sensitivity | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 20.4-26.4 V | Relay | SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, high functionality type, adjustable sensitivity, advanced operation, 8 pins, relay output, 24 VAC |
Ordinary purified water, Sewage water | Conductive level control | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, standard type, 8 pins, relay output, 100-240 VAC |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Salt water | Conductive level control | Sequential operation | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, high functionality type, adjustable sensitivity, sequential operation, 8 pins, relay output, 100-240 VAC |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Salt water | Conductive level control | Sequential operation | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 20.4-26.4 V | Relay | SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, high functionality type, adjustable sensitivity, sequential operation, 8 pins, relay output, 24 VAC |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Salt water | Conductive level control | High sensitivity, Low sensitivity | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | 2 x SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, high functionality type, adjustable sensitivity, advanced operation, 11 pins, relay output, 100-240 VAC |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Ordinary purified water, Salt water, Sewage water | Conductive level control | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 20.4-26.4 V | Relay | SPST-NO | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, DC power supply type, 11 pins, relay output, 24 VDC, adjustable sensitivity, (requires PF113A-E socket) |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Ordinary purified water, Salt water, Sewage water | Conductive level control | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 20.4-26.4 V | NPN | Open collector | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, DC power supply type, 11 pins, transistor output, 24 VDC, adjustable sensitivity, (requires PF113A-E socket) |
Ordinary purified water, Sewage water | Conductive level control | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | 2 x SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, adjustable sensitivity, one level, 100-240 VAC |
Ordinary purified water, Sewage water | Conductive level control | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | 2 x SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, standard type, 11 pins, relay output, 100-240 VAC |
Acid chemicals, Alkali chemicals, Distilled water, Liquids with high specific resistance, Liquids with low specific resistance, Salt water | Conductive level control | Sequential operation | 4000 m | Socket | Plug-in | 41 mm | 100-240 V | Relay | 2 x SPDT | Black | 3 | Floatless level switch, plug-in, high functionality type, adjustable sensitivity, sequential operation, 11 pins, relay output, 100-240 VAC |
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