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Nouzové stop tlačítko

Řada A22E/A22NE-P/A22NE-PD nabízí tlačítka nouzového zastavení v různých provedeních. O flexibilní využití se stará široký sortiment příslušenství. Snadnou instalaci a údržbu umožňují různé kombinace kontaktů.

  • Přímý vypínací mechanismus pro přerušení obvodu při spečení kontaktu
  • S pojistným mechanismem, který předchází chybám při provozu
  • Pojistná páčka pro snadnou montáž a demontáž jednotky
  • Pomocí kroužku o průměru 25 mm lze provést montáž do 25mm výřezů v rozváděči*
  • U modelu, který je vybaven pojistnou páčkou s propojením kontaktku, je možné zjistit nesprávnou montáž spínací jednotky (A22NE-PD)

*Spínače se stupněm krytí IP69K nepodporují průměr 25 mm.

Specifikace & informace pro objednání

Produkt Number of contacts, normally-open Number of contacts, normally-closed Unlocking method Diameter cap Hole diameter Mounting method With lighting With lock lever contact function Button text Text color Lighting voltage Connection type auxiliary circuit Popis
Emergency stop switch, screw terminal, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC
Emergency stop switch, screw terminal, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC
Emergency stop switch, 24 VAC / VDC , 40 mm dia., push-lock / turn-reset, DPST-NC, within a control box
Emergency stop switch, screw terminal, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC + 1NO
Emergency stop switch, 24 VAC/DC , 40 mm dia., push-lock/turn-reset,,SPST-NO + SPST-NC , within a control box
Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30 mm dia., push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-N/C, IP65
Emergency stop switch, 24 VAC/DC illuminated, 40 mm dia., push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, IP65
Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40 mm dia., push-lock/turn-reset, IP65
Emergency stop switch, 24 VAC/DC illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, Push-in
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC
E-Stop, push-in, 1NC, 40-dia. head Medium Turn-reset. with integrated control box
Emergency stop switch,Push-in, 24 VAC/DC illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, NO +NC
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC+NO
E-Stop, push-in, 1NC+1NO, 40-dia. head Medium Turn-reset. with integrated control box
Emergency stop switch, Push-in, 24 VAC/DC illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC
E-Stop, push-in, 2NC, 40-dia. head Medium Turn-reset. with integrated control box
Emergency stop switch,Push-In, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC+NO
Emergency stop switch,Push-In, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 3NC
Emergency stop switch, Push-in, non-illuminated, 40 mm dia, push-lock/pull-reset, 2NC
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 30 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, NC
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 30 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, NC+NO
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 30 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 30 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC+NO
Emergency stop switch, Push-In, non-illuminated, 30 mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 3NC
Porovnat produkty Ukázat více produktů 5


Ordering information

Common to Screw Terminal Block types (A22E)/Push-in Plus Terminal Block types (A22NE-P/A22NE-PD) (Order Separately)

Item Appearance Classification Remarks Order code
Legend Plates for
Emergency Stop
60-dia. black letters on yellow back-ground Used in combination with the washer rubber when the level of
protection is to be met between panels.
90-dia. black letters on yellow back-ground A22Z-3476-1
60-dia. black letters on yellow background Cannot be used in combination with the Control Boxes.
Used in combination with the washer rubber when the level of
protection is to be met between panels.
Hole Plug Round Used for covering the panel cutouts for future panel expansion.
Black color.
Connectors Applicable cable diameter 7 to 9 dia. Plastic connector used to extend a cable from the Switch Box. A22Z-3500-1
9 to 11 dia. A22Z-3500-2
25-dia. Ring Use when mounting to a panel with a 25-dia. hole.
Material: Rubber, Level of protection: IP65
Switches with an IP69K degree of protection do not support the 25-dia.
Resin Attachment
Use when mounting to a panel with a 30-dia. hole.
A rubber washer (A22Z-R) is provided with the product.
Lock Ring The body is equipped with a Lock Ring.
This Lock Ring is used when a more secure lock feature is
Tightening Tool Used for tightening the mounting ring from the back side of the
panel, and for removing the cap in lighted models.
E-stop Shroud for EMO,
compatibility. The SEMI-S2-compatible Shroud and legend
plate for EMERGENCY OFF come as a set. Use with an A22E
Emergency Stop Switch (for emergency shutoff)
These Shrouds are for use with the equipment only that conforms to SEMI standards. Do not use them for any other applications (e.g. emergency stop switches for machines or devices such as Machine tools, Printing presses, Industrial machinery, etc).
The Control Boxes cannot be used in combination with the A22Z-3476-1 Legend Plates for Emergency Stop or the A22Z-EG⬜ E-stop Shrouds.
E-stop Shroud for EMO,
Legend plate for EMERGENCY OFF is not
compatibility. Use with an A22E with EMO indication.
(for -emergency off)
The Control Boxes cannot be used in combination with the A22Z-3476-1 Legend Plates for Emergency Stop or the A22Z-EG⬜ E-stop Shrouds.
E-stop Shroud for EMS,
compatibility. The SEMI-S2-compatible Shroud and legend
plate for EMERGENCY STOP come as a set. Use with an A22E
Emergency Stop Switch. (for emergency stop)
These Shrouds are for use with the equipment only that conforms to SEMI standards. Do not use them for any other applications (e.g. emergency stop switches for machines or devices such as Machine tools, Printing presses, Industrial machinery, etc).
The Control Boxes cannot be used in combination with the A22Z-3476-1 Legend Plates for Emergency Stop or the A22Z-EG⬜ E-stop Shrouds.
E-stop Shroud for EMS,
Legend plate for EMERGENCY STOP is not
compatibility. Use with an A22E with EMS indication.
(for emergency stop)
The Control Boxes cannot be used in combination with the A22Z-3476-1 Legend Plates for Emergency Stop or the A22Z-EG⬜ E-stop Shrouds.
E-stop Shroud, Yellow Spacer Unit is not included. SEMI-S2/SEMATECH APPLICATION GUIDE FOR SEMI
S2-compatible Shroud. (for emergency shutoff)
These Shrouds are for use with the equipment only that conforms to SEMI standards. Do not use them for any other applications (e.g. emergency stop switches for machines or devices such as Machine tools, Printing presses, Industrial machinery, etc).
The Control Boxes cannot be used in combination with the A22Z-3476-1 Legend Plates for Emergency Stop or the A22Z-EG⬜ E-stop Shrouds.

Use together with an A22E Emergency Stop Switch.
One Spacer Unit is included. A22Z-EG21
Two Spacer Units are included. A22Z-EG22
E-stop Shroud for EMO,
compatibility. The SEMI-S2-compatible Shroud and legend
plate for EMERGENCY OFF come as a set. Use with an A22E
Emergency Stop Switch. (for emergency shutoff)
These Shrouds are for use with the equipment only that conforms to SEMI standards. Do not use them for any other applications (e.g. emergency stop switches for machines or devices such as Machine tools, Printing presses, Industrial machinery, etc).
The Control Boxes cannot be used in combination with the A22Z-3476-1 Legend Plates for Emergency Stop or the A22Z-EG⬜ E-stop Shrouds.
Rubber Packing Used together with accessories.
Contains 10 packings.
  1. Accessories for A22Z-EG1: one “EMERGENCY OFF” label, two rubber packings, and one lock ring
  2. Accessories for A22Z-EG10: one rubber packing and one lock ring (without label)

Jak vám můžeme pomoci?

Pokud máte dotazy nebo chcete požádat o cenovou nabídku, obraťte se na nás nebo nám zašlete žádost.

+420 234 076 010
Kontaktujte nás

Kontaktujte nás A22E/A22NE-P/A22NE-PD

a22ne-m-p-02 a22e-m-p2-a 3x prod

Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.

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Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

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Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

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Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]

+420 234 076 010
+420 234 076 010
Požádat o cenovou nabídku
Požádat o cenovou nabídku

Nabídka pro A22E/A22NE-P/A22NE-PD

Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.

a22ne-m-p-02 a22e-m-p2-a 3x prod

Osobní údaje


Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Country error notification

Podrobnosti nabídky

Select notification error

Select notification error

Text area error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.

Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]

Požádat o cenovou nabídku
Požádat o cenovou nabídku

Související produkty

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  • a22ns prod

    Volicí přepínače univerzální konstrukce, důraz na barevné kódování, zpracovatelnost a bezpečnost

  • m22n prod

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Tyto soubory cookie zlepšují vaši zkušenost z webových stránek, zlepšují kvalitu našich stránek a pomáhají nám zobrazovat vám obsah a reklamu, které jsou pro vás pravděpodobně relevantní. Umožňujeme také třetím stranám (včetně našich partnerů v oblasti sociálních médií a reklamy) umisťovat na naše webové stránky soubory cookie. 

Kliknutím na tlačítko Přijmout všechny soubory cookie souhlasíte s umístěním a používáním souborů cookie, jak je popsáno v našich zásadách používání souborů cookie. Pokud chcete povolit pouze funkční soubory cookie, klikněte na tlačítko Přijmout základní soubory cookie, a pokud chcete doladit soubory cookie, které můžeme používat, klikněte na tlačítko Spravovat soubory cookie.