Navržen pro budoucnost automatizace
- Navržen tak, aby podporoval bezpečné a harmonické pracovní prostředí mezi lidmi a stroji.
- 31 bezpečnostních funkcí, všechny ISO 13849-1, kat. 3, PLd, certifikováno.
- Plná shoda s normou ISO 10218-1.
- Snadno použitelné grafické programovací prostředí pro rychlé spuštění a provoz.
- Vestavěné řízení robota založené na strojovém vidění umožňuje vizuální servořízení, kontrolu a měření.
- Volitelná kamera a orientační body umožňují skutečně flexibilní a rychlou výměnu.
- Možnost integrace s mobilními roboty zajišťuje plně autonomní obsluhu strojů a logistickou manipulaci.
- Modely sběrnic Fieldbus včetně EtherNet/IP a Profinet.
Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!Kolaborativní robot
Omron TM12 cobot automates booklet feeding for Kraus Maschinenbau
Cobots streamline processes in medtech and packaging industry
Rychlejší nastavení díky vestavěnému vidění
Meet our collaborative robot
For over 85 years, Omron has helped perfect the art of machines that help humans. Now, we introduce the machines specifically built to work with people - meet the Omron TM Collaborative Robot Series!
Rychlé spuštění a výměna
Bezpečnost v kolaborativních aplikacích
Cobot Safety Odborný článek
Cobot and flexible production - Future-proofing SMEs?
Many countries in Europe, such as the UK and Germany are likely to experience serious labour shortages over the coming decade, especially in relation to technical specialists. At the same time, product lifecycles are becoming shorter. Despite this, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) might be reluctant to invest in additional automation. However, collaborative robots (cobots) are easy to set up and offer a quick and cost-effective solution. They can increase the flexibility, quality and speed of production and enable companies to respond rapidly to changing market conditions. Omron’s TM series of cobots are a good example of this versatility.
- Dosah (mm): 900
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 5
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,4
- Dosah (mm): 700
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 7
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,1
- Dosah (mm): 1 300
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 12
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,3
- Dosah (mm): 1 100
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 14
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,1
TM 5 – 700
- Dosah (mm): 700
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 6
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,1
TM 5 – 900
- Dosah (mm): 900
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 4
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,4
- Dosah (mm): 1 300
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 12
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,3
- Dosah (mm): 1 100
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 14
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,1
TM 16
- Dosah (mm): 900
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 16
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,1
- Dosah (mm): 1 300
- Maximální nosnost (kg): 20
- Maximální rychlost (m/s): 1,3
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Hardware version | Payload | Reach | PROFINET communication | EtherNet/IP communication | Vision | Power supply type | SEMI S2 certified | Food grade grease | SIL according to IEC 61508 | Performance level according to EN ISO 13849-1 | Cable length | Popis | |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, 12 m cable, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-700, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, 12 m cable, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | Yes | Yes | Yes | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5-900, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 6 kg | 700 mm | Yes | Yes | No | AC | No | Yes | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-700 (model without camera), HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 3 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-900 (model without camera), HW3.2 |
3.2 | 4 kg | 900 mm | No | No | No | AC | No | No | 2 | Level d | 12 m | Bundle, Cobot, TM5X-900 (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW3.2 |
Máme takřka nekonečně mnoho kombinací, které vyhoví každé výrobě.
Zajímá vás to?
Kontaktujte nás TM
Děkujeme Vám za odeslání vašeho požádavku. Budeme Vás kontaktovat co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
DownloadNabídka pro TM
Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.
Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
DownloadZákaznické případy
Cobots give gear manufacturer a competitive production edge
Danish gear manufacturer, Fischer Gears, has boosted the competitiveness of its production process - especially on larger series – by installing two OMRON TM robots. The collaborative robots (cobots) free experienced employees to focus on more value-adding tasks.
Zavedením inovativního kobota zvyšuje společnost Leica Geosystems bezpečnost na pracovišti
Kolaborativní robot automatizuje manipulaci s tácy a tím zvyšuje bezpečnost a ergonomii v nebezpečném pracovním prostředí.
Kolaborativní roboty zvyšují produktivitu ve společnosti CLECA
Automatizovaný proces paletizace s koboty OMRON TM12
Paletovací řešení od společnosti Reitec splňuje potřeby zákazníků společnosti FMCG
Společnosti OMRON a Reitec spojují své síly při tvorbě nových paletovacích kobotů RC-1
Obratný paletovací kobot od společnosti Reeco Automation
O 60 % menší rozměry a až o 50 % nižší cena ve srovnání s konvenčními paletovacími roboty
Sledovatelnost 4.0 prostřednictvím zjednodušeného označování obalů prováděného koboty
Kolaborativní robot provádí inteligentní označování na různých formátech produktů – v tomto řešení vyvinutém společností Bluengineering pro italskou skupinu Gruppo Romani zkracuje prostoje kvůli změnám formátu až o 70 %.
Společnost Cisel zajišťuje sledovatelnost, bezpečnost a kvalitu testováním desek plošných spojů, které provádí kobot
Cisel je italská společnost, která se specializuje na návrh a výrobu flexibilních desek plošných spojů (PCB) pro automobilový průmysl, stavebnictví a výrobní průmysl. Společnost si nedávno vybrala kolaborativního robota (kobota) OMRON TM5 pro automatizaci elektrického testování desek používaných v systému posilovače řízení předního výrobce automobilů.
Kobot zajišťuje přesnou montáž magnetů u vypouštěcích zátek LITMAT
Kolaborativní roboty (koboty) se stále častěji používají v řadě různých odvětví a v široké škále aplikací. Dokáží výrazně ovlivnit efektivitu a produktivitu výrobního cyklu. Jednou ze společností, které těchto výhod využívají, je LITMAT SpA.
Společnost Unika se rozhodla pro systém Landmark k dosažení nevídaných úrovní kvality
Koboty OMRON TM s integrovaným kamerovým systémem eliminují lidský faktor a zvyšují efektivitu výroby.
Řešení pro mobilní manipulátor OMRON
Unikátní koncept řešení od společnost OMRON – hybrid kobota a mobilního robota
Kobotické paletizační řešení
Software OMRON Sysmac PLC na bázi FB
Výuková videa
Omron Collaborative can draw!
Omron Collaborative Robot can be used for a variety of purposes and numerous applications especially machine tending, loading and unloading, assembling, gluing, testing, and soldering! On this video you can see just one of them, drawing Omron’s logo with a pen on the blackboard! Just amazing Omron Collaborative Robots can do.
Omron Collaborative can draw!
Omron Collaborative Robot can be used for a variety of purposes and numerous applications especially machine tending, loading and unloading, assembling, gluing, testing, and soldering! On this video you can see just one of them, drawing Omron’s logo with a pen on the blackboard! Just amazing Omron Collaborative Robots can do.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 1 - Unboxing and Initial Set Up
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show you how to unbox the Cobot and do the initial set up. There are several Cobot in the TM Series depending on your needs. Here we will be using the TM5 – 700 models to explain the common features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 1 - Unboxing and Initial Set Up
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show you how to unbox the Cobot and do the initial set up. There are several Cobot in the TM Series depending on your needs. Here we will be using the TM5 – 700 models to explain the common features.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 2 – Programming the Basic Motions
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we would like to show you the basics of how to make the Cobot move.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 2 – Programming the Basic Motions
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we would like to show you the basics of how to make the Cobot move.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 3 – How to Program Using Flow Chart Software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, you can learn how to use the software, called “TMflow,” to program the Cobots. TMflow has an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily create a program using flowcharts.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 3 – How to Program Using Flow Chart Software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, you can learn how to use the software, called “TMflow,” to program the Cobots. TMflow has an intuitive user interface that allows you to easily create a program using flowcharts.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 4 – How to Attach a Gripper to the Cobot
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to use grippers with your Cobot.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 4 – How to Attach a Gripper to the Cobot
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to use grippers with your Cobot.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 5 – Vision Calibration and Vision Node
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to start using the built-in camera and the integrated vision system for your applications. One of the biggest advantages of this Cobot is that you can rapidly create an application in which you want the Cobot to see and recognize the object that it is working on. You do not need additional lens nor lights.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 5 – Vision Calibration and Vision Node
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we will show you how to start using the built-in camera and the integrated vision system for your applications. One of the biggest advantages of this Cobot is that you can rapidly create an application in which you want the Cobot to see and recognize the object that it is working on. You do not need additional lens nor lights.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 6 – Pick and Place Using Vision
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we finished the vision calibration and explored some of the vision tasks. So now we are ready to start creating an application that utilizes the camera and the vision system. We will pick up a cylinder from this hole and place it here.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 6 – Pick and Place Using Vision
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video, we finished the vision calibration and explored some of the vision tasks. So now we are ready to start creating an application that utilizes the camera and the vision system. We will pick up a cylinder from this hole and place it here.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 7 – Updating TMFlow software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show how to update the TMFlow software. We constantly have software updates, so make sure you update Collaborative Robots software so that you can utilize the newest features.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 7 – Updating TMFlow software
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will show how to update the TMFlow software. We constantly have software updates, so make sure you update Collaborative Robots software so that you can utilize the newest features.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 8 – Communication via ModBus
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. The Omron Collaborative Robots is capable of different types of communications. On this video we will focus on using ModBus TCP communication in TMFlow software.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 8 – Communication via ModBus
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. The Omron Collaborative Robots is capable of different types of communications. On this video we will focus on using ModBus TCP communication in TMFlow software.-
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 9 – Advanced Motion Methods
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will discuss the different types of advanced motions that Omron’s Collaborative Robots can achieve. We will focus on some of the different types of motions that our Cobots can use to fit in your applications.
Omron Collaborative Robots Tutorial 9 – Advanced Motion Methods
Meet the Omron Collaborative Robot Series to assist your automation needs. In this video we will discuss the different types of advanced motions that Omron’s Collaborative Robots can achieve. We will focus on some of the different types of motions that our Cobots can use to fit in your applications.-
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 1
Watch this safety video to learn about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Safety Standards & Safety Functions, Emergency Stop & Protective Stop and Safety Output Functions will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 1
Watch this safety video to learn about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Safety Standards & Safety Functions, Emergency Stop & Protective Stop and Safety Output Functions will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.-
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 2
Watch this second part safety video to learn even more about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Intuitive Safety Parameter Setting, Cartesian Safety Limit and Omron Risk Assessment Service will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.
Collaborative Robot Safety Tutorial - Video 2
Watch this second part safety video to learn even more about Omron's Collaborative Robot safety features. Intuitive Safety Parameter Setting, Cartesian Safety Limit and Omron Risk Assessment Service will be discussed. Note: this video is intended to be an introductory guide, for futher important information on safety please refer to the other available safety documentation.Stahování
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Kontaktujte nás TM
Děkujeme Vám za odeslání vašeho požádavku. Budeme Vás kontaktovat co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
DownloadNabídka pro TM
Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.
Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]