Náš nejsilnější plně autonomní mobilní robot
Model HD-1500 se pyšní užitečným zatížením 1 500 kg a umožňuje zákazníkům řídit a přepravovat ty nejtěžší předměty. Je navržen pro průmyslovou výrobu, ve které snižuje počet potřebných vysokozdvižných vozíků a odvede více práce s menším množstvím zařízení.

Introducing OMRON HD-1500 Mobile Robot
Introducing OMRON’s strongest mobile robot: the HD-1500. The HD-1500 is an advanced autonomous mobile robot specifically designed to transport heavy payloads up to 1500 kilograms. The HD-1500 also represents innovations in mobile robotics. Its new architecture features lasers that provide 360-degree safety coverage, as well as an onboard programmable logic controller, or PLC, to easily interface with custom attachments. Heavier payloads, built-in controller, improved sensors, route planning and object avoidance, the OMRON HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot offers the most advanced performance and safety. Learn more:
Introducing OMRON HD-1500 Mobile Robot
Introducing OMRON’s strongest mobile robot: the HD-1500. The HD-1500 is an advanced autonomous mobile robot specifically designed to transport heavy payloads up to 1500 kilograms. The HD-1500 also represents innovations in mobile robotics. Its new architecture features lasers that provide 360-degree safety coverage, as well as an onboard programmable logic controller, or PLC, to easily interface with custom attachments. Heavier payloads, built-in controller, improved sensors, route planning and object avoidance, the OMRON HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot offers the most advanced performance and safety. Learn more:
Mobilního robota HD-1500 s nosností 1 500 kg
Špičkový model HD-1500 rozšiřuje možnosti autonomní přepravy materiálu
Automatizujte nové úlohy
Vyšší nosnost umožňuje zákazníkům automatizovat nové úkoly, u kterých to dříve nebylo možné, jako je přeprava nákladů na paletách, bloků motorů a dalšího těžkého zboží a zařízení. Model HD-1500 dokáže také automatizovat úkoly, které byly tradičně prováděny s vysokozdvižnými vozíky, a snížit tak riziko zranění.

HD-1500 Leaflet Prospekt

HD-series Mobile Robot Katalogový list

What to consider when selecting a mobile robot for heavy loads
Five questions to ask when selecting autonomous material transport technology for industrial applications.
Rychlé nabíjení baterie
- Nabití z 5 % na 80 % za 35 minut.
- 9 hodin provozu při plném zatížení.
- 12,5 hodiny provozu bez zatížení.
2x laser LIDAR, 2x spodní laser, 2x boční laser
Technologie a software autonomních mobilních robotů
Autonomní mobilní roboty (AMR) společnosti OMRON jsou vybaveny speciální technologií AMR pro navigaci a umístění. Tato technologie robotům umožňuje, aby se pohybovaly bezpečně a efektivně v určených pracovních prostorech, a to i ve složitých prostředích. Autonomní mobilní roboty jsou také řízeny softwarem, který usnadňuje jejich používání a programování.
- Součástí speciální technologie AMR, kterou autonomní mobilní roboty společnosti OMRON používají, jsou různé senzory, jako např. laserové skenery, které robotům umožňují přesně si zmapovat své prostředí a bezpečně se v něm pohybovat.
- Software používaný k ovládání autonomních mobilních robotů společnosti OMRON je uživatelsky přívětivý a intuitivní, takže lze roboty snadno naprogramovat pro provádění konkrétních úkolů.
Integrovaná přístupná jednotka pro řízení strojů OMRON
- Vyhrazené vstupy a výstupy prostřednictvím platformy Sysmac společnosti OMRON
- Ovládejte příslušenství a uživatelská periferní zařízení pomocí jednotky pro řízení strojů řady NX
- Integrovaná bezpečnost
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Mobile robot type | Maximum load | Maximum speed | Kit type | Accessories included | Battery included | Popis | |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | Docking station | No | Mobile Robot, HD-1500, without Battery |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot | HAPS (dual) | No | Mobile Robot, HD-1500, Double HAPS, without Battery |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Docking station, Pendant, Top plate | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, HD-1500, Charger, Pendant, Top Plate, without Battery |
OEM robot | 1500 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Docking station, HAPS (dual), Pendant, Top plate | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, HD-1500, Double HAPS, Charger, Pendant, Top Plate, without Battery |
Máme takřka nekonečně mnoho kombinací, které vyhoví každé výrobě.
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DownloadNabídka pro HD-series
Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.

Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
DownloadPoužití a klíčová odvětví

Intralogistics process and related challenges
OMRON solution for the complete intralogistics process The complete intralogistics process in a factory is divided into four different groups because the challenges are different, but also the solutions: Lineside Replenishment; Work in progress; Finished goods and Warehouse. Read more on:
Klíčová odvětví

OMRON's HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for pallet-size loads
This is the HD-1500, OMRON's newest and strongest autonomous mobile robot. The HD-1500 can carry payloads of up to 1,500 kg, and can load and transport the heaviest of objects. The HD-1500 is ideal for applications that require moving pallet-size loads. Mobile robots in the production and warehouse environments help to reduce the workload of employees, take over routine tasks and comply with hygiene regulations, for example now during a pandemic. It’s designed to meet the industry’s latest requirements, and can interact with people to create a collaborative, safe working environment. In warehousing and manufacturing, the HD-1500 can make processes more efficient working safely side-by-side with humans, and reducing the risk of employee injury in dangerous situations. Take a look at it in action at our Proof of Concept area at our Automation Technology Centre for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Annecy, France. Read more:
OMRON's HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for pallet-size loads
This is the HD-1500, OMRON's newest and strongest autonomous mobile robot. The HD-1500 can carry payloads of up to 1,500 kg, and can load and transport the heaviest of objects. The HD-1500 is ideal for applications that require moving pallet-size loads. Mobile robots in the production and warehouse environments help to reduce the workload of employees, take over routine tasks and comply with hygiene regulations, for example now during a pandemic. It’s designed to meet the industry’s latest requirements, and can interact with people to create a collaborative, safe working environment. In warehousing and manufacturing, the HD-1500 can make processes more efficient working safely side-by-side with humans, and reducing the risk of employee injury in dangerous situations. Take a look at it in action at our Proof of Concept area at our Automation Technology Centre for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Annecy, France. Read more:
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON Mobile I/O Box Tutorial Video
The OMRON Mobile I/O Box is an I/O device that can be used to summon an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to a designated location by just pressing a button. #mobilerobots #omronindustrialautomation
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 1: Unboxing Preparation
Have a look at this video to see what steps are needed to get started with the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot to support your material transport needs. With a payload capacity of 1500kg, the HD-1500 is OMRON's strongest mobile robot. We have prepared a series of videos to help you get started. In this video, you can see what tools are needed for unboxing, and what steps you should take to prepare the unboxing.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 1: Unboxing Preparation
Have a look at this video to see what steps are needed to get started with the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot to support your material transport needs. With a payload capacity of 1500kg, the HD-1500 is OMRON's strongest mobile robot. We have prepared a series of videos to help you get started. In this video, you can see what tools are needed for unboxing, and what steps you should take to prepare the unboxing.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 2: Unboxing Charging Station Crate
Take a look at the steps needed to unbox the charging station crate.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 2: Unboxing Charging Station Crate
Take a look at the steps needed to unbox the charging station crate.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 3: Unboxing Battery Crate
Take a look at this video for the steps needed to unbox the battery crate.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 3: Unboxing Battery Crate
Take a look at this video for the steps needed to unbox the battery crate.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 4: Unboxing the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads
In this video, we will show you two methods for unboxing the HD-1500, the lift method and ramp method. We will also show you how to get the HD-1500 on the network once it's unboxed.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 4: Unboxing the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads
In this video, we will show you two methods for unboxing the HD-1500, the lift method and ramp method. We will also show you how to get the HD-1500 on the network once it's unboxed.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 5: Unboxing the Charging Target Crate
See this video for the steps needed to unbox the charging target crate for the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 5: Unboxing the Charging Target Crate
See this video for the steps needed to unbox the charging target crate for the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 6: Connecting to MobilePlanner
OMRON's mobile robot user interface is MobilePlanner. This enables you to configure the robot, create and edit maps, and make the robot do tasks and much more. In this video, you can see how you can connect the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads to MobilePlanner.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 6: Connecting to MobilePlanner
OMRON's mobile robot user interface is MobilePlanner. This enables you to configure the robot, create and edit maps, and make the robot do tasks and much more. In this video, you can see how you can connect the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads to MobilePlanner.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 7: Adding the HD-1500 to Mobile Robot Fleet
After you have completed the initial setup of the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads, this video will show you how you can add your robot into a new or existing fleet of mobile robots.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 7: Adding the HD-1500 to Mobile Robot Fleet
After you have completed the initial setup of the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads, this video will show you how you can add your robot into a new or existing fleet of mobile robots.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 8: Autonomous Mobile Robot Safety
This video highlights some of the safety features of the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads, and demonstrates how to safely commission the mobile robot.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 8: Autonomous Mobile Robot Safety
This video highlights some of the safety features of the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads, and demonstrates how to safely commission the mobile robot.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 9: Autonomous Mobile Robot Battery Replacement
This tutorial video demonstrates how you can remove and insert a new battery for the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads.
OMRON HD-1500 Tutorial 9: Autonomous Mobile Robot Battery Replacement
This tutorial video demonstrates how you can remove and insert a new battery for the HD-1500 autonomous mobile robot for heavy loads.
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS)
CAPS technology utilizes any compatible laser to detect a customizable target in the environment and enables the AMR to drive to the required location with unrivalled precision. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS)
CAPS technology utilizes any compatible laser to detect a customizable target in the environment and enables the AMR to drive to the required location with unrivalled precision. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Dynamic Obstacle Tracking
Collaborative and intuitive robot motion with “pass-behind” decision making for a better decision-making and path planning. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Dynamic Obstacle Tracking
Collaborative and intuitive robot motion with “pass-behind” decision making for a better decision-making and path planning. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner Tablet
The MobilePlanner tablet edition is an easy-to-use interface designed to monitor and control your Mobile Robot fleet from a tablet. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner Tablet
The MobilePlanner tablet edition is an easy-to-use interface designed to monitor and control your Mobile Robot fleet from a tablet. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Selectable Autonomy
Enables users to tailor traffic flow with powerful path modes, ranging from autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)—but without the costly infrastructure—to limited detour windows, to the pure flexibility of a traditional AMR. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Selectable Autonomy
Enables users to tailor traffic flow with powerful path modes, ranging from autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)—but without the costly infrastructure—to limited detour windows, to the pure flexibility of a traditional AMR. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobotsStahování

Aktivujte svůj software Mobile Robot
O aktivaci licencí řešení Mobile Robot můžete snadno požádat online. Pomocí tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o aktivaci licencí řešení Mobile Robot pro libovolné z různých zařízení: řada LD, řada MD, řada HD, EM2100 a Virtual Fleet Manager. Proces aktivace můžete zahájit hned teď.
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DownloadNabídka pro HD-series
Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.

Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]