Mimořádně kompaktní systém zapojení rozhraní
Nejmenší kompaktní systém zapojení rozhraní na trhu, který snižuje pracnost a šetří místo na ovládacích panelech
- Jedná se o nejmenší produkt na trhu*1, který lze namontovat svisle i vodorovně, a efektivně tak využít místo na ovládacích panelech.
- Svorkovnice Push-In Plus v porovnání s tradičními svorkovnicemi se šrouby urychlují zapojování o 60 %*2. A absence šroubů, které by se mohly povolit, znamená bezúdržbový provoz.
- Schémata zapojení speciálně navržená pro připojení k PLC šetří práci potřebnou ke kontrole rozvržení signálu.
- Připojte digitální vstupně-výstupní jednotku PLC k dosažení co nejmenší konfigurace, a ušetřete si tak práci i místo.
- Možnost svislé i vodorovné montáže.
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | 3 wiring connection – power supply terminal | Connector type | External connection polarity | Positions per I/O connector | Relay premounted | Terminal type | Type of I/O connection | Type of relay | Wiring type | Popis | |
Yes | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 20 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 20 points MIL connector, Input, Signal: 0.5 A, Power: 4 A, NPN, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 20 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Output | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 20 points MIL connector, Output, Signal: 0.5 A, Power: 4 A, NPN, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 20 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | General purpose interface wiring system with push-in plus technology, 20 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 1 A, NPN/PNP, 125 VAC, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 34 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | General purpose interface wiring system with push-in plus technology, 34 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 1 A, NPN/PNP, 125 VAC, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 0.5 A, NPN/PNP, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Input, Signal: 0.5 A, Power: 7 A, NPN, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 0.5 A, NPN/PNP, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | MIL (plug not included) | NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Output | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Output, Signal: 0.5 A, Power: 7 A, NPN, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 0.5 A, NPN/PNP, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Input, Signal: 0.5 A, Power: 7 A, NPN, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Output | None | Push-in Plus | PLC interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and power supply terminal, 40 points MIL connector, Output, Signal: 0.5 A, Power: 7 A, NPN, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 40 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | General purpose interface wiring system with push-in plus technology, 40 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 1 A, NPN/PNP, 125 VAC, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
No | MIL (plug not included) | PNP/NPN | 50 | Not Applicable | Passive wiring interface | Input/Output | None | Push-in Plus | General purpose interface wiring system with push-in plus technology, 50 points MIL connector, Input/Output, 1 A, NPN/PNP, 125 VAC, 30 VDC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | Not Applicable | None | Push-in Plus | Interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and common terminals , 10 A, 250 VAC/DC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | Not Applicable | None | Push-in Plus | Interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and common terminals , 10 A, 250 VAC/DC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
Yes | Not Applicable | None | Push-in Plus | Interface wiring system with push-in plus technology and common terminals , 10 A, 250 VAC/DC, DIN rail horizontal and vertical mounting |
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