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Operational Excellence
Potraviny a nápoje

At Omron we serve to protect Package Integrity!

Zveřejněno Operational Excellence08. Červenec 2019

Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well

Protecting a product is the main purpose of any package. Food packaging that is not closed completely airtight can cause a whole range of problems resulting in huge expenses and problematic long-term consequences for manufacturers. Loss of nutrients and aroma to premature spoilage are the least problematic relative to the costly aftermath that easily comes around the corner when consumer health is at stake and recalls enter the media.
It might seem obvious that a package fulfills its number one purpose of protecting product contents perfectly, but even nowadays integrity problems still are a recurring nightmare for many manufacturers. Correct packaging protection against potential threats ultimately determines a product’s success for its intended use. A safe and sound product ensures a positive consumer experience and adds to the promotional image of a brand. A spoilt or damaged product makes a manufacturer vulnerable to health & safety claims and might permanently damage consumer trust.

Complex & costly packaging imperfections

Such complex issues can quickly cause profits to evaporate or even worse: turn into serious losses. The culprits causing packaging imperfections often are varying film qualities, improper film tension, imprecise sealing jaw heating or inaccurate sealing temperature measurements and control. Use of thinner films to save costs or metal free ones for sustainability purposes, often require much stricter temperature control. The required temperate range rapidly drops from 5°C to around 2°C.

The right sealing solution

A two degrees’ Celsius deviation situation that is not a problem with the right sealing solution in place. Omron's Perfect Packaging concept creates the Perfect Sealing by using artificial intelligence in our temperature measurement and control. Sensors can be placed very close to the sealing jaw and disturbances in measurements are compensated. The result is a tight seal right from the first pack, that perfectly conserves contents and produces zero rejects or scrap. Real seal temperature control enabling us to help protect your Package Integrity!

This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'At Omron we serve to protect Package Integrity!' as a solution for Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well

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