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Operational Excellence
Potraviny a nápoje

Minimum complexity, Maximum yield

Zveřejněno Operational Excellence08. Červenec 2019

Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well

Omron's leading position in packaging automation in the Food & Beverage industry is based on smart and simple solutions that result in solid success. A concept that we dubbed Perfect Packaging. Omron's Perfect Packaging approach structurally eliminates risks and boosts production even in tough situations when high throughput is required. But also optimises your filling. Minimising under- or overfill.
Manufacturers continuously strive to find a balance between crucial production characteristics like performance, product protection and pack style requirements in order to achieve optimal production results. Quality evaluations and cost calculations are carefully made evaluating the efficiency of both the packaging itself as well as the production line. Omron offers innovative, flexible and trustworthy all encompassing automation solutions that can help produce maximum yield with minimum complexity.

Operational excellence as a key driver

Our smart, integrated automation solutions are easy to implement and operate. Such solutions include optimum filling to increase your bottom-line and the technology to increase machine speed while maintaining quality output. Your operational excellence is a key driver for our packaging automation innovations that feature solutions regarding infeed, filling, sealing and labelling. Obviously, it is of crucial importance that waste throughout the production process is kept to a minimum and that production cycles are continuously as long-lasting as possible.

Perfecting infeed and filling

Omron's infeed systems carefully handle your products and ensure a smooth transition between your packaging machinery. We accomplish this with smart conveyors, patented vibration suppression technology, and advanced no-product detection. We perfected tray filling with scalable vision and robotics combined with integrated weighing to prevent slow and inaccurate filling.

Sealing and labelling solutions

Artificial intelligence and 'close-to-the-seal-jaw-sensors' power our fast and flawless sealing solution. An innovation that takes into account varying film qualities, film tension, precision sealing jaw heating, and smart sealing temperature measurements and control. With regard to labelling we focus on automatic inspection to guarantee quality, safety and authenticity. All to common problems with mislabelling or poor label print quality are a thing of the past with our Perfect Packaging concept.

This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Minimum complexity, Maximum yield' as a solution for Perfect Packaging, ordinary packaging executed extraordinary well

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