Digitální optický zesilovač s potenciometrem pro úpravu nastavení
Model E3X-NA je ideální zesilovač pro běžné optické aplikace s rychlou a jednoduchou úpravou nastavení pomocí potenciometru a zobrazením sloupcového grafu.
- Snadné nastavování pomocí potenciometru
- Vzájemná ochrana proti rušení
- Vylepšené typy s odolností proti vodě
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Shape | Sensing method | Setting method | Connection method | Cable length | Output type | Operation mode | Response time | Material housing | Type of light | Functions | Features | Application | Number of channels | Degree of protection (IP) | Number of digital outputs | Popis | |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, NPN output, 2m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.02 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, NPN output, 2 m cable |
Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 5 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.02 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, NPN output, 5 m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Enhanced water resistance | Object detection | 1 | IP66 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, 2m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 5 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Enhanced water resistance | Object detection | 1 | IP66 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, 5m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Connector M8 - 4 pin | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Enhanced water resistance | Object detection | 1 | IP66 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, M8 plug-in |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, diagnostic output, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2 m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 5 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, diagnostic output, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5 m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2 m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.02 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, PNP output, 2m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Enhanced water resistance | Object detection | 1 | IP66 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, PNP output, 2m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Connector M8 - 4 pin | PNP | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Enhanced water resistance | Object detection | 1 | IP66 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, PNP output, M8 plug-in |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | System connector | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, NPN output, connector |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | System connector | PNP | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Polarity free red light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, PNP output, connector |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Green light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Amplifier, with potentiometer, mark detection, green LED, NPN output, 2m cable |
Cuboid, rail mounting | Amplifier | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 0.2 ms | PBT | Green light | Timer | Object detection | 1 | IP50 | 1 | Amplifier, with potentiometer, mark detection, green LED, PNP output, 2m cable |
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Simple adjustment
Zobrazení ve sloupcovém grafu s úrovněmi světla, stavem přepínačů a indikátory prahových hodnot.
Jednoduchá úprava citlivosti potenciometrem.
Technické informace
Související produkty
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