Špičkový výkon, který zajišťuje spolehlivost. Splňuje širokou řadu norem a větší použitelnost.
- Špičkový výkon, který zajišťuje spolehlivost. Okolní teploty až 70°C, větší odolnost proti korozi díky pouzdru z hliníku/ nerezové ocele a použití při nadmořských výškách až 3 000 m.
- Splňuje certifikace pro
- Severní Amerika: UL 508 (zařazení), CSA C22.2
- Evropa: Kategorie přepětí III (EN 50178)
- EMI: Třída B (EN 61204-3)
- Nejsou nutné transformátory pro řídicí obvod, pro které je určena směrnice pro strojní zařízení. (IEC 61558-2-16)
- Větší použitelnost - Kryt svorkovnice zabraňuje vypadnutí šroubů a přední kryt zabraňuje vniknutí cizího materiálu.
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Type | Mounting method | Phase | Power output | Efficiency | Output voltage | Rated output current | Temperature range | Terminal | Communication port(s) | Alarm function | Number of output branches | Rated supply voltage at AC 50 Hz | Allowable supply voltage AC | Allowable supply voltage DC | Product Width (unpacked) | Product Height (unpacked) | Product Depth (unpacked) | Popis | |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 15 W | 80 % | 5 V | 3 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 82 mm | 35 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 15 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 15 W | 84 % | 12 V | 1.3 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 82 mm | 35 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 15 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 15 W | 86 % | 24 V | 0.65 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 82 mm | 35 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 15 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output, DIN rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 30 W | 86 % | 12 V | 3 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 82 mm | 35 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 30 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 30 W | 89 % | 24 V | 1.5 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 82 mm | 35 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 30 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 50 W | 82 % | 5 V | 8 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 36 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 50 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 8 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 50 W | 86 % | 12 V | 4.3 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 36 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 50 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.3 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 50 W | 88 % | 15 V | 3.5 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 36 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 50 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 3.5 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 50 W | 89 % | 24 V | 2.2 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 36 mm | 99 mm | Power supply, 50 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.2 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 100 W | 86 % | 12 V | 8.5 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 38 mm | 129 mm | Power supply, 100 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output, Din-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 100 W | 89 % | 24 V | 4.5 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | Power Supply, 100 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.5 A output, DIN-rail mounting, without EAC certification |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 150 W | 81 % | 5 V | 21 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 38 mm | 159 mm | Power Supply, 150 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 21 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 150 W | 87 % | 12 V | 13 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 38 mm | 159 mm | Power Supply, 150 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 13 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 150 W | 88 % | 15 V | 10 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 38 mm | 159 mm | Power Supply, 150 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 10 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 150 W | 90 % | 24 V | 6.5 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | Power Supply, 150 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, DIN-rail mounting, without EAC certification |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 150 W | 88 % | 48 V | 3.3 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 80-370 V | 97 mm | 38 mm | 159 mm | Power Supply, 150 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 3.3 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 300 W | 85 % | 12 V | 25 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 120-370 V | 102 mm | 41 mm | 170 mm | Power Supply, 300 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 25 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 300 W | 87 % | 24 V | 14 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 120-370 V | Power Supply, 300 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14 A output, DIN-rail mounting, without EAC certification |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 600 W | 88 % | 12 V | 50 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 120-350 V | 120 mm | 61 mm | 190 mm | Power Supply, 600 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 50 A output, DIN-rail mounting |
Metal frame | DIN rail | Single | 600 W | 90 % | 24 V | 27 A | -20-70 °C | Screw | None | - | 1 | 100-240 V | 85-264 V | 120-370 V | Power Supply, 600 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 27 A output, DIN-rail mounting, without EAC certification |
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