E32 Teplu odolná
Optická vlákna se snímacími hlavami odolnými vůči teplotám
Široká řada tepelně odolných optických vláken zajišťuje dlouhou životnost čidla a nejvyšší míru ochrany v náročných prostředích.
- Tepelná odolnost až do 400 °C
- Velikosti od průměru 2 mm do M6
- Modely s prodlouženým dosahem nebo vysokou přesností detekce
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Sensing method | Shape | Size | Application | Features | Temperature range | Sensing distance | Cable length | Sleeve diameter | Sleeve length | Bending radius | Free cut | Material core | Degree of protection (IP) | Sensing surface orientation | Material sheath | Popis | |
Limited reflective | Square | Transparent object detection | Heat-resistant | -40-300 °C | 30 mm | 2 m | 25 mm | No | Glass | IP40 | Top-view | SUS | Fiber optic sensor head, limited reflective, transparent object detection, square, top-view, R25 heat resistant fiber, up to 300ºC, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Threaded | M6 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -40-150 °C | 1680 mm | 2 m | 35 mm | Yes | Plastic | IP67 | Top-view | Fluororesin | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M6 cylindrical axial, R35 heat resistant fiber, up to 150ºC, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Threaded | M6 | Object detection | Flexible fiber, Heat-resistant | -40-100 °C | 1000 mm | 2 m | 2 mm | Yes | Plastic | IP50 | Top-view | PUR | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M6 cylindrical axial, R2 flexible and heat resistant fiber, up to 100ºC, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Threaded | M6 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -60-350 °C | 180 mm | 2 m | 25 mm | No | Glass | IP67 | Top-view | SUS | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M6 cylindrical axial, R25 heat resistant fiber, up to 350ºC, only for fiber amplifier E3X-NA, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Threaded | M6 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -60-350 °C | 630 mm | 2 m | 25 mm | No | Glass | Top-view | SUS | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M6 cylindrical axial, R25 heat resistant fiber, up to 350ºC, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Threaded | M4 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -60-350 °C | 630 mm | 2 m | 25 mm | No | Glass | IP67 | Top-view | SUS | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M4 cylindrical axial, R25 heat resistant fiber, up to 350ºC, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Sleeved | M4 | Object detection | Heat-resistant, Miniature | -40-400 °C | 420 mm | 2 m | 1.65 mm | 60 mm | 25 mm | No | Glass | Top-view | SUS | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M4 cylindrical axial with sleeve, diameter 1.65 mm, 60 mm lenght, R25 heat resistant fiber, up to 400ºC, 2 m cable |
Diffuse reflective | Threaded | M6 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -40-200 °C | 630 mm | 2 m | 10 mm | No | Glass | IP67 | Top-view | Fluororesin | Fiber optic sensor head, diffuse, M6 cylindrical axial, R10 heat resistant fiber, up to 200ºC, 2 m cable |
Through-beam | Threaded | M4 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -40-150 °C | 4000 mm | 2 m | 35 mm | Yes | Plastic | IP67 | Top-view | Fluororesin | Fiber optic sensor head, through-beam, M4 cylindrical axial, R35 heat resistant fiber, up to 150ºC, 2 m cable |
Through-beam | Threaded | M4 | Object detection | Flexible fiber, Heat-resistant | -40-100 °C | 2400 mm | 2 m | 2 mm | Yes | Plastic | IP50 | Top-view | PUR | Fiber optic sensor head, through-beam, M4 cylindrical axial, R2 flexible & heat resistant fiber, up to 100ºC, 2 m cable |
Through-beam | Cylindrical radial | dia 3 mm | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -40-150 °C | 670 mm | 2 m | 35 mm | Yes | Plastic | IP67 | Top-view | Fluororesin | Fiber optic sensor head, through-beam, cylindrical radial, diameter 3 mm, R35 heat resistant fiber, up to 150ºC, 2 m cable |
Through-beam | Threaded | M4 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -60-350 °C | 2520 mm | 2 m | 25 mm | No | Glass | IP67 | Top-view | SUS | Fiber optic sensor head, through-beam, M4 cylindrical axial, R25 heat resitant fiber, up to 350ºC, 2 m cable |
Through-beam | Threaded | M4 | Object detection | Heat-resistant | -40-200 °C | 1500 mm | 2 m | 10 mm | No | Glass | IP67 | Top-view | Fluororesin | Fiber optic sensor head, through-beam, M4 cylindrical axial, R10 heat resitant fiber, up to 200ºC, 2 m cable |
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Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
Heat resistance

Výběr materiálů optimalizovaných z hlediska provozního rozsahu teplot poskytuje nejlepší poměr výkon-cena a rozsah možných aplikací.
High mechanical protection

Nerezový spirálový povlak pro flexibilitu použití s nejvyšší mechanickou ochranou.
Technické informace