Fotoelektrický senzor v miniaturním plastovém pouzdru
Malé fotoelektrické senzory v plochém a profilovém provedení pro instalaci v prostředí s nepříznivými podmínkami.
- Malá velikost s přesnou bodovou LED diodou pro použití v situacích, kdy je kladen důraz na co nejmenší rozměry
- 3,5mm plochý model se spolehlivě potlačeným pozadím a malou černobílou chybou
- Jedinečná technologie optického zaměřování, zajišťující minimální odchylku optické osy
- Velká elektromagnetická slučitelnost a odolnost vůči okolnímu světlu
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Shape | Sensing method | Sensing distance | Sensing distance (min.) | Setting method | Connection method | Cable length | Output type | Operation mode | Response time | Material housing | Thread size | Type of light | Power supply voltage | Degree of protection (IP) | Popis | |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | Cable | 5 m | NPN | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | M8 pigtail connector 3 pin | 0.3 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, M2 mounting, M8 3-pin cable end connector 0.3 m |
Cuboid, M3 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, flat, diffuse 5-30mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Diffuse reflective | 30 mm | 5 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Background suppression | 15 mm | 1 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Background suppression | 15 mm | 1 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Background suppression | 15 mm | 1 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Background suppression | 30 mm | 1 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Background suppression | 30 mm | 1 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Background suppression | 30 mm | 1 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2x E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | NPN | Dark-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2 x E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photo-electric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-view, 500mm, L-on, PNP, 2m cable |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | Cable | 5 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 5 m cable, M2 mounting |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | M8 pigtail connector 3 pin | 0.3 m | PNP | Light-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | Cable | 2 m | PNP | Dark-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2 x E39-L119 bracket) |
Cuboid, M2 mounting | Through-beam | 500 mm | 0 mm | Fixed | M12 pigtail connector | 0.3 m | PNP | Dark-ON | 1 ms | PBT | Other | Polarity free red light | 12-24 V | IP67 | Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, M2 mounting, M12 pre-wired connector |
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Minimální černobílá chyba
Koaxiální optika a malé čočky retroreflektivních modelů umožňují detekci malých předmětů (průměr 2 mm) nebo skrz malé díry (průměr 2 mm).
Jedinečný tvar čočky přijímající světlo a nová technologie montáže čipů poskytují odpovídající snímací vzdálenosti pro velmi přesnou a spolehlivou detekci i skrz nejmenší drážky a mezery např. o průměru 0,5 mm.
Modely s montážními otvory M2 nebo M3.
Technické informace
Související produkty
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