Systémy jednotka FH
Rychlejší provoz stroje, kamery pro každou aplikaci
Tato řada integruje výhody inteligentní kamery a výkonného kamerového systému do jediné platformy. Jedinečná čistota obrazu dosažená použitím inteligentní kamery umožňuje jednoduché nastavení, rychlou instalaci a lepší optický výkon.
- Komponenty se špičkovým výkonem vám poskytnou vynikající výsledky a poradí si i s těmi nejnáročnějšími požadavky
- Chytré algoritmy a kamerové systémy zajistí, aby bylo každé použití robustní a spolehlivé při jakékoli rychlosti
- Díky portfoliu moderních kamer si můžete vybrat ten nejvhodnější hardware pro jakékoli použití – získáte tak nejlepší poměr výkonu k ceně
- Umělá inteligence reprodukuje lidskou citlivost a zkušenosti
- Snadná integrace se softwarem zajištující flexibilní automatizaci
- Zpracovávání ve skutečných barvách (16 milionů barev)*
- Komunikace prostřednictvím sítě EtherNet/IP a protokolu TCP/IP*
Jak vám můžeme pomoci?
Pokud máte dotazy nebo chcete požádat o cenovou nabídku, obraťte se na nás nebo nám zašlete žádost.
Kontaktujte nás Systémy jednotka FH
Děkujeme Vám za odeslání vašeho požádavku. Budeme Vás kontaktovat co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
DownloadNabídka pro Systémy jednotka FH
Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.
Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]
Kompletní řada kamer s vysokou rychlostí/rozlišením
Systém této kompaktní kamery a řídicí jednotky řady FH je určen pro všechny typy kontroly objektů, určování polohy/orientace, čtení kódů a měření a snadno se integruje do téměř jakéhokoli stroje nebo robotu. Má jedinečnou schopnost poskytovat rychlejší a přesnější pracovní výkon, díky čemuž vám zajistí vyšší efektivitu, nižší náklady a další výhody.
Rozšířené snímání s kamerami SWIR a polarizovanými kamerami
Společnost OMRON výrazně zlepšila své možnosti snímání obrazu rozšířením portfolia svých kamer. Nyní nabízíme dvě rozlišení kamer SWIR a dvě kamery s polarizovaným rozlišením. Tyto doplňky výrazně zvyšují rozsah snímání a všestrannost řady FH.
Pokročilé fotometrické zpracování obrazu
Fotometrické stereoskopické osvětlení FH lze použít se standardními nebo HD kamerami až do 20,4 MPx k detekci promáčknutí a poškození povrchu s vysokou přesností. Postupně se rozsvítí čtyři světla a analyzují se změny jasu. Tištěné znaky s malou variací jasu i při různých směrech osvětlení jsou extrahovány jako textura a jako promáčknutí s velkou variací jasu se extrahuje jako tvar.
Zpracování obrazu HDR
Technologie HDR pomáhá vytvářet optimalizované snímky za proměnlivých okolních podmínek. Jakmile zadáte optimální oblast pro zachycení snímku, zařízení řady FH automaticky upraví rychlost závěrky při pořizování snímků a jejich kombinování.
Komplexní nástroje pro strojové vidění založené na pravidlech
Nástroje zraku OMRON FH založené na pravidlech jsou průkopníkem v moderní průmyslové automatizaci a poskytují špičková řešení pro sledování kvality, kontrolu a optimalizaci procesů. Tyto nástroje využívající pokročilé algoritmy a přesnou zobrazovací technologii provádějí složité úkoly s výjimečnou přesností a spolehlivostí. Nástroje strojového vidění OMRON, navržené s ohledem na uživatelskou přívětivost, zajišťují bezproblémovou integraci do stávajících systémů a vyžadují minimální čas na nastavení.
Otevřená ovládací jednotka FH
Kromě vlastních algoritmů společnosti OMRON pro kamerové systémy je ovladač kamerového systému FH kompatibilní s algoritmy pro kamerové systému vyvinutými pomocí softwaru Halcon HDevelop společnosti MVTec. Tato flexibilita umožňuje výrobcům vybrat nejlepší algoritmický přístup pro jejich specifické požadavky na aplikace, což zajišťuje optimální výkon a efektivitu v jejich řešeních strojového vidění.
Flexibilní lokální AI
Odemkněte plný potenciál automatizace řízené umělou inteligencí s řadičem FH Vision, podporovaným pečlivě vybranou nabídkou procesorů Intel a vylepšenou sadou nástrojů OpenVINO. Tato silná synergie vám umožňuje nasadit sofistikované modely umělé inteligence přímo na ovladači FH Vision, což přináší výjimečné zpracování a analýzu obrazu v reálném čase. Sada nástrojů OpenVINO optimalizuje výkon a umožňuje bezproblémové provádění dedukcí hlubokého učení s minimální latencí. To se promítá do rychlejšího, přesnějšího rozhodování, zlepšené provozní efektivity a vynikající kontroly kvality. Zvyšte úroveň svých automatizačních procesů pomocí ovladače OMRON FH Vision, kde se špičková umělá inteligence snoubí s pokročilými výpočetními schopnostmi Intelu prostřednictvím transformativní sady nástrojů OpenVINO.
Detekce defektů pomocí AI
Řídicí jednotka FH pomáhá s pomocí pokročilých algoritmů strojového učení výrobcům dosáhnout bezkonkurenční přesnosti a efektivity při identifikaci a kategorizaci závad v různých výrobních procesech. Podporuje kontrolu vad na bázi umělé inteligence, včetně detekce anomálií, klasifikace a segmentace.
Přesné porovnávání pomocí AI
Přesné porovnávání pomocí AI identifikuje prvek, který není zahrnut v dobrých produktech, jako vadu. Umělá inteligence se učí na obrázcích dobrých produktů s variacemi a vytváří model AI. Pokaždé, když je provedena kontrola, umělá inteligence rekonstruuje model, který je považován za dobrý produkt. Umělá inteligence extrahuje rozdíl mezi rekonstruovaným obrázkem dobrého produktu a pořízeným snímkem a podle toho rozpoznává vady, což omezuje nadměrnou detekci.
Řešení škrábanců pomocí AI
Nejnovější schopnosti kamerového systému FH zahrnují obrazový filtr založený na umělé inteligenci, který reprodukuje techniku, kterou zkušení kontroloři používají k identifikaci závady na jakémkoli pozadí produktu. Škrábance a vady, které bývalo obtížné zachytit, lze nyní identifikovat i bez použití vzorků nebo úpravy.
- Bezpečné pro potravinářství
- Omezení ruční práce
- Vyšší míra implementace automatických systémů, např. robotů
- Vyšší požadavky týkající se konstrukce a standardů kvality
- Dohledatelnost farmaceutických produktů
- Riziko padělaných produktů
- Vyšší flexibilita výroby – paralelně s trendem vyšší rychlosti a kvality
Kamerový systém splňující požadavky předpisu 21 CFR, část 11 a GMP
Kamerový systém FH lze upgradovat tak, aby podporoval shodu s požadavky předpisu 21 CFR, část 11 a GMP. To umožňuje výrobcům z oblasti věd o živé přírodě, farmacie a zdravotnických prostředků instalovat do svých výrobních linek kamerové systémy vyhovující těmto předpisům.
Funkce softwaru
- Zpráva o auditním záznamu
- Prohlížeč auditních záznamů
- Vylepšené zabezpečení heslem
- Šifrované soubory
- Řízení uživatelského přístupu
- Připraveno na jednotné přihlášení
- Integrace rozhraní HMI
Digitální dekódování vodoznaku Digimarc
Nepřekonatelné dekódování pro válcová a různorodá balení
Kontrola vzhledu dobíjecích bateriových článků
Kontrola lepených spojů
Spolehlivě zvládá obtížně čitelné znaky
2D kód II nabízí výkonné čtení kódu.
Is your production line ready for inspection?
Quality inspections are a critical requirement for all manufacturing and packaging lines. Being able to identify defective products before they are shipped to customers can bring significant savings in both time and money. It prevents costly product recalls, wasted production and potentially expensive legal costs.
For perishable products – from food to pharmaceuticals – quality inspection of the packaging is also vital. An unreadable barcode or a wrong expiry date could lead to perfectly good products being discarded. And increasingly strict legislation is making clear marking a top priority for all types of products.
Vision System FH series
The FH-series Vision System provides higher speed and precision for Machine cycle time and is loaded with all of the performance required to move Machines quickly and at high precision into a compact Controller for embedding into Machine. And even though the Camera/communications interfaces, image processing algorithms, and other features of this complete image processing system are built into one housing, the flexibility of a PC-based image processing system is also provided to help increase eciency in the frequent reuse of Machine designs and in design changes.-
Omron's FH vision system helps improve efficiency and quality in production lines
Automated sensory inspection has been a challenge for automation for years Automation inspections are introduced to find scratches and dents on products, but these may overlook unexpected defects or recognize light stains as defects and over detect defective products. Over detection leads to secondary human inspections as well as overlooked products escape to post-processes decreasing yields. The introduction to automated sensory inspections takes time, resources, and expertise. Omron solves these issues through its vision sensors using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The FH Vision System Series reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. The FH Vision System Series has an inspection algorithm using AI or AI Fine Matching installed. AI Fine Matching detects only the features not found on good products as defects. Training with images of various good products builds an AI model that helps automate inspection processes. The more the various good images you provide, the better the inspection accuracy. In this way, the AI model learns about variation in the shape and color of good products. An AI model misses no tiny scratch or dent. The AI Fine Matching enables streamlining the inspection flow and reduces the number of inspections preventing overdetection and wasteful secondary inspections. AI Fine Matching improves yields by preventing the overlook of defective products that escape to post-processes. Learn more about FH Vision System Series:
Omron's FH vision system helps improve efficiency and quality in production lines
Automated sensory inspection has been a challenge for automation for years Automation inspections are introduced to find scratches and dents on products, but these may overlook unexpected defects or recognize light stains as defects and over detect defective products. Over detection leads to secondary human inspections as well as overlooked products escape to post-processes decreasing yields. The introduction to automated sensory inspections takes time, resources, and expertise. Omron solves these issues through its vision sensors using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The FH Vision System Series reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. The FH Vision System Series has an inspection algorithm using AI or AI Fine Matching installed. AI Fine Matching detects only the features not found on good products as defects. Training with images of various good products builds an AI model that helps automate inspection processes. The more the various good images you provide, the better the inspection accuracy. In this way, the AI model learns about variation in the shape and color of good products. An AI model misses no tiny scratch or dent. The AI Fine Matching enables streamlining the inspection flow and reduces the number of inspections preventing overdetection and wasteful secondary inspections. AI Fine Matching improves yields by preventing the overlook of defective products that escape to post-processes. Learn more about FH Vision System Series:-
Cap Inspection | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. An automated inspection system may over detect by flagging good products as defective under strict criteria to prevent defective products from being marketed. The implementation of automated inspection requires adjustment for different bottles and caps. Because the transfer of setup and adjustment knowledge to other inspection lines hinders the adoption of automated inspection, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
Cap Inspection | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. An automated inspection system may over detect by flagging good products as defective under strict criteria to prevent defective products from being marketed. The implementation of automated inspection requires adjustment for different bottles and caps. Because the transfer of setup and adjustment knowledge to other inspection lines hinders the adoption of automated inspection, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:-
AI Fine Matching | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. Do you have any concern about missing defects or overdetecting them in your visual inspection process? An automated inspection system designed to find scratches and dents on products may overlook other types of defects that are unexpected. Because the implementation of automated inspection can be time-consuming and typically requires specialized knowledge, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. By training upon images of various good products, the system builds an AI model. The FH-series suggests training images and assists with the construction of a workable AI model in the shortest period of time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Fine Matching | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. Do you have any concern about missing defects or overdetecting them in your visual inspection process? An automated inspection system designed to find scratches and dents on products may overlook other types of defects that are unexpected. Because the implementation of automated inspection can be time-consuming and typically requires specialized knowledge, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. By training upon images of various good products, the system builds an AI model. The FH-series suggests training images and assists with the construction of a workable AI model in the shortest period of time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:-
2D Robot Vision System| FH-series Vision System
Manufacturers increasingly need automation and labour-saving solutions to prevent infection and overcome the labour shortage. Are you considering automating transfer and assembly with robot vision systems at your manufacturing site? OMRON offers the perfect solution for you, the FH-series Vision System. The FH Series can be easily connected to various robots. Automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection can be performed simultaneously. OMRON offers a 2D robot vision system solution. A vision system program and robot program need to be prepared to connect a vision system to a robot. OMRON provides these programs for easy implementation. Programs for pick, grip correction, place and combined applications are available. The FH Series can be mounted on a robot hand or arm. The FH-series Vision System enables automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection at the same time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
2D Robot Vision System| FH-series Vision System
Manufacturers increasingly need automation and labour-saving solutions to prevent infection and overcome the labour shortage. Are you considering automating transfer and assembly with robot vision systems at your manufacturing site? OMRON offers the perfect solution for you, the FH-series Vision System. The FH Series can be easily connected to various robots. Automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection can be performed simultaneously. OMRON offers a 2D robot vision system solution. A vision system program and robot program need to be prepared to connect a vision system to a robot. OMRON provides these programs for easy implementation. Programs for pick, grip correction, place and combined applications are available. The FH Series can be mounted on a robot hand or arm. The FH-series Vision System enables automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection at the same time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:-
Connector Inspection Function | FH-series Vision System and Cameras
The OMRON Connector Inspection Function in the FH-series integrates settings required for pin position detection and allows users to perform complicated dimensional inspections like coplanarity inspection just by selecting inspection items. A search model can be shared between different types of connectors, reducing configuration time when new types are added. Just change the number if inspection areas for connectors with different numbers of pins to complete adjustment. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
Connector Inspection Function | FH-series Vision System and Cameras
The OMRON Connector Inspection Function in the FH-series integrates settings required for pin position detection and allows users to perform complicated dimensional inspections like coplanarity inspection just by selecting inspection items. A search model can be shared between different types of connectors, reducing configuration time when new types are added. Just change the number if inspection areas for connectors with different numbers of pins to complete adjustment. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:-
AI Filter | FH-series Vision System
OMRON is using artificial intelligence to reproduce the visual sensitivity and experience of human inspectors. The AI filter detects scratches with human-like sensitivity. Using an AI filter equipped with defect extraction technology, only the points that are estimated to be scratches with be automatically extracted. The AI algorithms extract the scratch itself, rather than the definition based on colour and brightness. This makes defect detection much more stable flaw. The AI filter eliminates missed defects and AI Fine Matching avoids overdetection almost entirely. No special environment construction or expertise required. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Filter | FH-series Vision System
OMRON is using artificial intelligence to reproduce the visual sensitivity and experience of human inspectors. The AI filter detects scratches with human-like sensitivity. Using an AI filter equipped with defect extraction technology, only the points that are estimated to be scratches with be automatically extracted. The AI algorithms extract the scratch itself, rather than the definition based on colour and brightness. This makes defect detection much more stable flaw. The AI filter eliminates missed defects and AI Fine Matching avoids overdetection almost entirely. No special environment construction or expertise required. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Performance | Processor family | Operating system | Memory | AI Scratch detection filter | AI FineMatching | Number of cameras | Integrated monitor | Communication port(s) | Output type | Application | Popis | |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH medium speed & performance controller 2-core, NPN/PNP, 2 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (ECC) | No | No | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH medium speed & performance controller 2-core, NPN/PNP, 4 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH medium speed & performance controller 2-core, NPN/PNP, 8 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation medium speed & performance controller 2-core, NPN/PNP, 2 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation medium speed & performance controller 2-core, NPN/PNP, 4 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Medium | Intel® Celeron® | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation medium speed & performance controller 2-core, NPN/PNP, 8 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, 3D Bin picking, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH high-speed / high performance controller 4-core, NPN/PNP, 2 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH high-speed / high performance controller 4-core, NPN/PNP, 4 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH high-speed / high performance controller 4-core, NPN/PNP, 8 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation high-speed / high performance controller 8-core, NPN/PNP, 2 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation high-speed / high performance controller 8-core, NPN/PNP, 4 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
High | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 8 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation high-speed / high performance controller 8-core, NPN/PNP, 8 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, 3D Bin picking, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH high-speed / high performance / extended storage, controller 4-core, NPN/PNP, 2 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH high-speed / high performance / extended storage, controller 4-core, NPN/PNP, 4 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH high-speed / high performance / extended storage, controller 4-core, NPN/PNP, 8 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 2 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation high-speed / high performance / extended storage, controller 8-core, NPN/PNP, 2 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 4 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation high-speed / high performance / extended storage, controller 8-core, NPN/PNP, 4 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Very high | Intel® Core™ i7 | Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit | 32 GB RAM (non ECC) | Yes | Yes | 8 | No | EtherCAT Slave, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, AI fine matching, AI scratch detection, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH Next generation high-speed / high performance / extended storage, controller 8-core, NPN/PNP, 8 cameras, W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64bit |
Lite | Intel® Atom™ | WES 7 (32 bits) | 4 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 2 | No | EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 2 camera |
Lite | Intel® Atom™ | WES 7 (32 bits) | 4 GB RAM (non ECC) | No | No | 4 | No | EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C, USB | PNP/NPN | 2D Robot guidance, Bead inspection, Code reading, Code verification, Color inspection, Counting, Defect inspection, Measurement inspection, OCR / OCV, Presence / Absence | FH-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 4 camera |
Nový kamerový systém FH s první detekcí vad pomocí umělé inteligence v oboru
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Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
Prosím přihlaste se nebo registrovat se k obsahu na této stránce
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Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.
Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.
Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]