Tepelná nadproudová relé
Ochrana motoru před přetížením a přerušením fáze pomocí kombinace s modelem J7KC pro příkony do 2,2 kW (240 V AC)*, 5,5 kW (440 V AC)
- Technologie zapojení Push-In Plus šetří čas potřebný na zapojení a údržbu
- Instalace jedním dotykem se stykačem J7KC pro konfiguraci magnetického spouštěče
- Vysoce spolehlivý pomocný okruh (2PST-1NO 1NC)
- Standardně vybaveno krytem ovládacích prvků zabraňujícím nežádoucím změnám nastavení
- Snadné přepínání mezi ručním a automatickým resetováním
- Certifikace v souladu s hlavními bezpečnostními normami
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Auxiliary Contacts NO | Auxiliary Contacts NC | Setting range D.O.L. (A) | Setting range Star-delta [A] | Terminal | Product Width (unpacked) | Product Height (unpacked) | Product Depth (unpacked) | Popis | |
1 | 1 | 7-10.5 A | 7-10.5 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 7 - 10.5 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 9-13 A | 9-13 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 9 - 13 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.8-1.2 A | 0.8-1.2 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.8 - 1.2 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.95-1.45 A | 0.95-1.45 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.95 - 1.45 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 1.1-1.65 A | 1.1-1.65 A | Push-in Plus | 45 mm | 97.5 mm | 55.5 mm | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 1.1 - 1.65 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 1.4-2.1 A | 1.4-2.1 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 1.4 - 2.1 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 1.7-2.6 A | 1.7-2.6 A | Push-in Plus | 45 mm | 97.5 mm | 55.5 mm | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 1.7 - 2.6 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 2.2-3.4 A | 2.2-3.4 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 2.2 - 3.4 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 2.8-4.2 A | 2.8-4.2 A | Push-in Plus | 45 mm | 97.5 mm | 55.5 mm | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 2.8 - 4.2 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 4-6 A | 4-6 A | Push-in Plus | 45 mm | 97.5 mm | 55.5 mm | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 4 - 6 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 5-7.5 A | 5-7.5 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 5 - 7.5 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 6-9 A | 6-9 A | Push-in Plus | 45 mm | 97.5 mm | 55.5 mm | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 6- 9 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.1-0.15 A | 0.1-0.15 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.1 - 0.15 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.13-0.2 A | 0.13-0.2 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.13 - 0.2 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.18-0.27 A | 0.18-0.27 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.18 - 0.27 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.24-0.36 A | 0.24-0.36 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.24 - 0.36 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.34-0.52 A | 0.34-0.52 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.34 - 0.52 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.48-0.72 A | 0.48-0.72 A | Push-in Plus | 45 mm | 97.5 mm | 55.5 mm | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.48 - 0.72 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
1 | 1 | 0.64-0.96 A | 0.64-0.96 A | Push-in Plus | Thermal Overload Relay, Push-In Plus Terminals, Current setting range thermal overload release 0.64 - 0.96 A, H×W×D 79.5 x 45 x 55.5 mm |
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