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Řídicí jednotka stroje IPC

Hybridní řídicí jednotka, která kombinuje řízení strojů Sysmac a IT technologii

  • Čtyřjádrový procesor Intel Core i5
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC
  • Otevřený operační systém umožňuje používání přizpůsobeného softwaru a hardwaru
  • Funkce: Logická sekvence, řízení pohybu a NC
  • Vestavěný port EtherNet/IP pro vaše IT systémy a vzájemné propojení strojů
  • Integrovaná jednotka Sysmac pro řízení strojů
  • Systémový cyklus 500 µs
  • Až 64 synchronizovaných os
  • Vestavěný port EtherCAT až pro 192 synchronizovaných podřízených jednotek
  • Funkce NC dostupné v průmyslovém panelovém PC*: ideální pro obrábění v osách XY, frézování, soustružení a všechny ostatní aplikace na principu sledování trasy, jako jsou stroje na rozprašování, ohýbání, broušení a tváření
*Verze NC připojuje procesor Core i7 s 64bitovým systémem Windows Embedded Standard 7

Specifikace & informace pro objednání

Produkt IPC type Controller type Max. number of motion axes Screen diagonal Processor family Processor specification Cooling method Memory Storage Operating system Expansion slot Modular port Video output Material housing Display ratio Number of pixels, horizontal Number of pixels, vertical Product Height (unpacked) Popis
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), 320 GB HDD, WES 7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, NYML port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 64 GB SSD SLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB SSD MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, RS-232C
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, DVI-D
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 1 TB SSD 3DTLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port
AI Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, RS-232
AI Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, extra DVI-D
AI Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, RS-233
AI Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, extra DVI-D
AI Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, RS-234
AI Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, extra DVI-D
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 8 GB RAM (non ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 128 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, 18.5" (1920x1080) display with capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-7440EQ, 32 GB RAM (Non-ECC), 256 GB CFast MLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, NYML Port, 18.5" (1920x1080) capacitive touchscreen, Ni plating
AI Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-74400EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, RS-232, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
AI Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-74400EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, extra DVI-D, 15.4" capacitive touchscreen
AI Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-74400EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, RS-232, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
AI Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-74400EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, extra DVI-D, 15.4" capacitive touchscreen
AI Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-74400EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, RS-232, 15.4" display with capacitive touchscreen
AI Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i5-74400EQ, 32 GB RAM (non-ECC), 128 GBx2 SSD-iMLC/pSLC, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC - 64 bit, PCIe slot, extra DVI-D, 15.4" capacitive touchscreen
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ipc box panel prod

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Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text area error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

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Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]

+420 234 076 010
+420 234 076 010
Požádat o cenovou nabídku
Požádat o cenovou nabídku

Nabídka pro NY5

Vyplněním tohoto formuláře můžete požádat o cenovou nabídku vybraného produktu. Prosím vyplňte všechna povinná pole označená *. S vašimi osobními údaji bude nakládáno důvěrně.

ipc box panel prod

Osobní údaje


Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Podrobnosti nabídky

Text area error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Děkujeme Vám za vaši žádost o cenovou nabídku. Požadované informace Vám poskytneme co nejdříve.

Objevili se technické potíže. Odeslání Vašeho formuláře nebylo úspěšné. Prosím přijměte naši omluvu a zkuste to znovu později. Podrobnosti: [detaily]

Požádat o cenovou nabídku
Požádat o cenovou nabídku


Propojení monitoru NY

NY monitor link3 prod

  • Až 100 m připojení mezi průmyslovým PC a displejem
  • Standardní kabel Ethernet
  • Optimální doba odezvy displeje
  • Připraveno na technologii 4K

Několik podrobností…

industrial-hmi-04-1 if logo

  • 12,1“ a 15,4“ 18,5“ průmyslový displej
  • Podpora více dotyků s použitím nejnovější projektivní kapacitní technologie
  • Detekce falešných dotyků
  • Ovládání v rukavicích
  • Podpora snadné integrované montáže


ipcbox hp bookmount-rs232-fans-02 prod

  • Volitelné: RS-232C nebo navíc DVI-D pro připojení dvou monitorů
  • DVI, 3x port RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet, 2x USB2.0, 2x USB3.0
  • Výběr zařízení úložiště: volitelná druhá jednotka HDD nebo SSD (MLC nebo SLC s dlouhou životností)
  • Rozhraní I/O připraveno pro připojení neizolovaného napájecího zdroje UPS 24 VDC

Základ jednotky IPC pro řízení strojů

hypervisor prod

Kompaktní průmyslový počítač – všestranná instalace

box installation prod



  • Založeno na čtvrté generaci procesorů Intel® Celeron® až Intel® Core™ i7
  • Až 8 GB DDR3L RAM
  • Intel® HD Graphics
  • Jedinečná efektivita chladiče
  • Soulad se směrnicí RoHS (2002/95/ES) a směrnicemi ES

Jednoduchost zlepšuje spolehlivost

cooling airflow prod

Zbytečná složitost způsobuje problémy, proto jsme ji kompletně eliminovali, abychom zvýšili spolehlivost a maximalizovali výkon.

  • Žádné vnitřní kabely
  • Žádné složité chladicí systémy
  • Konstrukčně jednotné provedení umožňuje budoucí rozšíření
  • Snížené náklady na sestavení, údržbu a práci
  • Velmi odolná architektura. Hliníkové pouzdro
  • Aktivní chlazení a vzduchové proudění izolované od elektroniky

Řídicí jednotka pro řízení strojů

  • Integrovaná jednotka Sysmac pro řízení strojů
  • Systémový cyklus 500 µs
  • 16 až 64 os řízení pohybu
  • Port EtherNet/IP pro komunikaci mezi stroji a komunikaci HMI
  • Port EtherCAT až pro 192 synchronizovaných podřízených jednotek
  • Safety over EtherCAT - FSoE

Integrovaná platforma Sysmac

platform prod


sysmac studio monitor prod

Integrované vývojové prostředí Sysmac Studio

  • Jeden nástroj pro logické sekvence, pohyb, bezpečnost, robotiku, kamerové systémy, HMI a databázové připojení
  • Otevřená norma IEC 61131-3
  • Knihovna Sysmac pro optimalizaci doby technické přípravy a dostupnosti stroje

cnc operator 2 prod

Software pro obsluhu CNC

  • Editor souborů s G-kódem
  • Prováděcí monitor pro zobrazení aktivního G/M kódu
  • Příkazový terminál
  • Funkce jogging a homing
  • Přizpůsobitelný software umožňuje uživatelům přidávat funkce (vyžaduje verzi SDK softwaru pro obsluhu CNC)

ny ipc na hmi prod


Stahování dokumentace

AI Controller Data Mining Software Provozní manuál
enPDF 3,9 MB
AI Controller Standard Software Provozní manuál
enPDF 6,1 MB
AI Predictive Maintenance Library Uživatelský manuál
enPDF 2,1 MB
EAC Mark removal Upozornění na ukončení výroby
enPDF 220,8 KB
FDK CR14250SE Bezpečnostní list baterie
enPDF 139,8 KB

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Tyto soubory cookie zlepšují vaši zkušenost z webových stránek, zlepšují kvalitu našich stránek a pomáhají nám zobrazovat vám obsah a reklamu, které jsou pro vás pravděpodobně relevantní. Umožňujeme také třetím stranám (včetně našich partnerů v oblasti sociálních médií a reklamy) umisťovat na naše webové stránky soubory cookie. 

Kliknutím na tlačítko Přijmout všechny soubory cookie souhlasíte s umístěním a používáním souborů cookie, jak je popsáno v našich zásadách používání souborů cookie. Pokud chcete povolit pouze funkční soubory cookie, klikněte na tlačítko Přijmout základní soubory cookie, a pokud chcete doladit soubory cookie, které můžeme používat, klikněte na tlačítko Spravovat soubory cookie.