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Řada GI-S

Řada GI-S

Řada GI-S

Bezpečnostní I/O svorkovnice pro CIP Safety™

  • Bezpečnostní vzdálené digitální bloky
  • Individuální testovací pulzy pro lepší diagnostiku
  • Podpora CIP-Safety na EtherNet/IP
  • Komunikační port EtherNet/IP jako standardní funkce
  • Oddělené napájení pro logické a bezpečnostní vstupy a výstupy
  • Dokáže pracovat jako vzdálené bezpečnostní vstupy a výstupy v kombinaci s řadou NX-SL5000 s procesorem NX-CSG320 nebo NX102 prostřednictvím portu 2 A/B

Specifikace & informace pro objednání

Ordering information

Specifications I/O capacity Unit version Order code
Communication protocol Number of connectors Number of networks Safety inputs Pulse outputs Safety outputs
(for PNP)
EtherNet/IP 2 1
PORT1 and PORT2 are ports with switching hub.
12 inputs 12 outputs 4 outputs Ver. 1.2 GI-SMD1624


Regulations and Standards

GI-S-series safety I/O terminals

Certification body Standards
TÜV Rheinland EN ISO 13849-1IEC 61508 parts 1-7IEC/EN 62061IEC/EN 61131-2
UL NRAQ (UL61010-1, and UL 61010-2-201)NRAG (UL 121201)NRAQ7 (CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1, and CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2-201)

The FSoE protocol was certified for applications in which OMRON FSoE devices are connected to each other. For compatibility with FSoE devices other than OMRON FSoE devices, the customer must validate FSoE communications.

By using GI-S-series safety I/O terminals, you can build a safety control system that meets the followings.
- Requirements for SIL 3 (Safety Integrity Level 3) in IEC 61508, IEC/EN 62061, (Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems)
- Requirements for PLe (Performance Level e) and for safety category 4 in EN ISO13849-1

Also, GI-S-series safety I/O terminals have been registered for conformity to RCM, EAC, and KC (Korean radio regulation).

General Specifications

Item Specifications
Enclosure Mounted in a panel (open type)
Operating environment Ambient operating temperature 0 to 55°C
Ambient operating humidity 10% to 95% (with no condensation or icing)
Atmosphere Must be free from corrosive gases
Ambient storage temperature −25 to 70°C (with no condensation or icing)
Altitude 2,000 m max.
Pollution degree 2
Insulation class CLASS III (SELV)
Overvoltage category II
EMC immunity level Zone B: IEC 61131-2
Vibration resistance Conforms to IEC 60068-2-6
5 to 8.4 Hz with amplitude of 3.5 mm
8.4 to 150 Hz, acceleration of 9.8 m/s2
100 min. in each X, Y, and Z directions (10 sweeps of 10 min. each = 100 min. total)
Shock resistance Conforms to IEC 60068-2-27
147 m/s2
3 times in each X, Y, and Z directions
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ between isolated circuits (at 100 VDC)
Dielectric strength 500 VAC between isolated circuits for 1 minute at a leakage current of 10 mA max.
Installation method DIN Track mounting (IEC 60715 TH35-7.5/TH35-15)
Degree of protection IP20


Model GI-SMD1624 GI-SID1224
Number of safety input points 12
Number of safety output points 4
Number of test output points 12
OMRON special safety input device
OMRON special safety input devices are the following input devices:
- Safety mat UMA/UM
- Safety edge SGE
- Single-beam safety sensor E3ZS
- Non-contact door switch D40A/D40Z
Connection unavailable
LED indication [V0] LED, [IN] LED x 12, [V1] LED,
[OUT] LED x 4, [MS] LED, [NS] LED,
[V0] LED, [IN] LED x 12,
[V1] LED, [MS] LED, [NS] LED,
Hardware switch setting

[IP ADDRESS] switch x3 (MODE, x16, x1)

Factory default
GI-SMD1624: [IP ADDRESS] Switch= “002”
GI-SID1224: [IP ADDRESS] Switch= “003“
Safety input type IEC61131-2 type3 PNP (sinking inputs)
Safety input current 6 mA max.
Safety input ON voltage 11 VDC min.
Safety input OFF voltage/OFF current 5 VDC max./1 mA max.
Safety output type Source output (for PNP)
Safety output rated current 0.5 A max.
GI-SID1224 has no output signal terminal and no output power supply is connected.
Maximum total safety output current 2.0 A
Safety output ON residual voltage 1.2 V max.
(between V1 and each output terminal)
Safety output OFF residual voltage 2.0 V max.
(between G1 and each output terminal)
Safety output leakage current 0.1 mA max.
Test output type Source output (for PNP)
Test output rated current 0.7 A max.
Maximum total test output current 5.0 A
Test output ON residual voltage 1.2 V max. (between V0 and each output terminal)
Test output leakage current 0.1 mA max.
External dimensions
Projections are not included.
170 (W) x 65 (H) x 55 (D)
Weight 400 g
Number of communications that can be set
between NX Units
254 ports max.
Projections are not included.
Unit power
Power supply voltage 24 VDC (20.4 to 28.8 VDC)
Current consumption
Inrush current when the supply power is turned ON from the static power-OFF state. Inrush current value may vary depending on conditions. For your selection of fuses, breakers, and external power supply units, take into account the conditions to be used to select those that have a margin in characteristics and capacity.
250 A max.
Inrush current On cold start at normal temperature50 A max., 0.1 ms max.
Power supply terminal
current carrying capacity
Current-carrying capacity allowed to continuously flow through the terminal. This current must not be exceeded in case crossover wiring is done for the unit power supply.
5 A
Insulation type No insulation: Between unit power supply terminal and internal circuit
Output power
Power supply voltage 24 VDC (20.4 to 28.8 VDC)
GI-SID1224 has no output signal terminal and no output power supply is connected.
Current consumption 50 A max.
Inrush current On cold start at normal temperature
50 A max., 0.1 ms max.
Power supply terminal
current carrying capacity
Current-carrying capacity allowed to continuously flow through the terminal. This current must not be exceeded in case crossover wiring is done for the unit power supply.
5 A
Insulation type Photocoupler insulation
Communication connector EtherNet/IP communication RJ45 x 2
Screwless clamp terminal

Top terminal block

  • Functional earthing
  • Unit power supply
  • Input/Test output

Bottom terminal block

  • Output power supply
  • Output/Input/Test output

Top terminal block

  • Functional earthing
  • Unit power supply
  • Input/Test output

Bottom terminal block

  • Input/Test output
V0/G0 Unit power supply
V1/G1 Output power supply
GI-SID1224 has no output signal terminal and no output power supply is connected.
Installation direction and restriction No restriction
Protective function Overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection

Built-in EtherNet/IP port specifications

This section describes the field bus specifications of the safety I/O terminal.

Item Specifications
GI-SMD1624 / GI-SID1224
Communications protocol TCP/IP, UDP/IP
Support services Sysmac Studio connection, CIP message communication, DHCP (client)
Number of logical ports 2
Physical layer 100BASE-TX
Transmission specifications Media access method CSMA/CD
Modulation Baseband
Transmission path Star, daisy chain, mixed (star and daisy chain)
Transmission rate 100M bit/s (100BASE-TX)
Transmission media Twisted-pair cable (shielded: STP): category 5/5e or higher
Transmission distance 100 m max. (distance between hub and node)
Number of daisy chain connections 8 units
CIP messaging service:
Explicit message
UCMM (non-connection type)
Maximum number of clients that can communicate simultaneously: 8/Logical ports
Implicit (I/O) connection Exclusive Owner (EO) connection 1
EtherNet/IP conformance test CT9 compliant
Ethernet interface


Auto Negotiation


Version Information

This section describes the combinations that can be used of the unit versions of the Safety CPU Unit and the Communication Control Unit, Machine Automation Controller, and the version of the Sysmac Studio.

Safety I/O terminal Corresponding unit version/version
Model Unit version

Safety CPU Unit


Communication Control Unit


Machine Automation Controller


Sysmac Studio

GI-SMD1624 Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.3 Ver. 1.01 Ver. 1.31 Ver. 1.24
GI-SID1224 Ver. 1.2 Ver. 1.3 Ver. 1.01 Ver. 1.31 Ver. 1.24

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Stahování dokumentace

EAC Mark removal Upozornění na ukončení výroby
enPDF 220,8 KB
GI-SMD/SID Safety I/O Terminal Katalogový list
enPDF 2,8 MB
NX-Series Safety Controller Katalogový list
enPDF 10,8 MB
Safety Remote IO-GI Series Uživatelský manuál
enPDF 15,4 MB
Sysmac NX CSG320 Uživatelský manuál
enPDF 4,9 MB

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