Když záleží na rychlosti: EtherCAT I/O
EtherCAT je mimořádně rychlá síť pro průmyslovou automatizaci, která využívá standardní ethernetové kabely. Velice účinně využívá standardních ethernetových rámců, kdy každý uzel přistupuje k celému rámci za chodu. To snižuje zpoždění v každé podřízené jednotce na úroveň mikrosekund. Díky neměnnému charakteru je síť EtherCAT mimořádně vhodná pro řízení pohybu. Omron poskytuje řešení na bázi PLC i samostatná řešení řízení pohybu na bázi sítě EtherCAT. Jednotky I/O řady GX poskytují základní vstupy a výstupy pro takové systémy, včetně vysokorychlostních vstupů kodérů, které do řídicí jednotky mohou dodávat informace o poloze.
- Pouzdro IP20 kompaktní velikosti
- Rozšiřitelné digitální I/O
- Odnímatelné vstupní/výstupní svorkovnice
- Volitelná vysokorychlostní vstupní doba odezvy
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Type of module | Digital input type | Permitted voltage at input | Digital output type | Short-circuit protected outputs | Connection method | I/O connection type | Linear analog input type | Temperature input type | Linear analog output type | Number of digital inputs | Number of digital outputs | Number of analog inputs | Number of analog outputs | Number of encoder input channels | Max. encoder input frequency | I/O system | Popis | |
Analog I/O | Screw | -10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA | None | None | 4 | 0 | EtherCAT analog I/O unit, 4 x analog inputs, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:8000 (full scale) |
Analog I/O | Screw | None | None | -10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA | 0 | 2 | EtherCAT analog I/O unit, 2 x analog outputs, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:8000 (full scale) |
Encoder input | Open collector | None | Screw | 2 | 4000 kHz | EtherCAT I/O unit, 2 x encoder inputs, open collector |
Encoder input | Line driver (RS-422) | None | Screw | 2 | 4000 kHz | EtherCAT I/O unit, 2 x encoder inputs, line driver |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 1-wire | Screw | 16 | 0 | I/O Expansion Link | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, NPN, 1-wire, expandable |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 3-wire | Screw | 16 | 0 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, NPN, 3-wire |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 16 | 0 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, NPN, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 1-wire | Screw | 16 | 0 | I/O Expansion Link | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, PNP, 1-wire, expandable |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 3-wire | Screw | 16 | 0 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, PNP, 3-wire |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 16 | 0 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, PNP, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 32 | 0 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 32 x inputs, NPN, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | None | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 32 | 0 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 32 x inputs, PNP, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | NPN | No | 1-wire | Screw | 8 | 8 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, NPN, 1-wire, expandable |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | NPN | No | 3-wire | Screw | 8 | 8 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, NPN, 3-wire |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | NPN | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 8 | 8 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, NPN, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | PNP | No | 1-wire | Screw | 8 | 8 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, PNP, 1-wire, expandable |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | PNP | No | 3-wire | Screw | 8 | 8 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, PNP, 3-wire |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | PNP | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 8 | 8 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, PNP, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | NPN | 0-26.4 V | NPN | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 16 | 16 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs + 16 x outputs, NPN, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Digital I/O | PNP | 0-26.4 V | PNP | No | 3-wire | e-Con (plug not included) | 16 | 16 | None | EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs + 16 x outputs, PNP, e-CON connectors (not included) |
Ethernet cables and accessories
EtherCAT patch cables, improved shield
Note: For [.] fill in the 1-character length code.
Ethernet patch cables, standard RJ45 connectors
Note: For [...] fill in the length in cm.
Ethernet patch cables, RJ45/M12 connectors
Note: For [.] fill in the 1-character length code.
Ethernet cables and accessories
Industrial switching hubs
EtherNet/IP control data priority
Broadcast storm and LSI error detection |
EtherCAT junction slave
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