Nejlepší kompaktní jednotka pro řízení strojů ve své třídě
V kategorii řídicích jednotek pro kompaktní stroje nabízí společnost Omron řadu CP1L, která se vyznačuje kombinací kompaktních rozměrů mikroautomatů PLC a výkonu modulárních PLC automatů. Tato řada poskytuje veškeré funkce, které potřebujete pro řízení svého stroje, včetně vynikajících funkcí pro nastavování polohy. Dále mají některé modely CP1L vestavěný port Ethernet s funkcí soketových služeb, které poskytují flexibilní připojení pro monitoring, provoz, protokolování a vzdálený přístup. Řada CP1L je kompletní, včetně škály volitelných desek pro sériovou komunikaci nebo analogové vstupy a výstupy a další rozšiřující jednotky pro případ potřeby více vstupů a výstupů. Protože řada CP1L používá stejnou architekturu jako řady CP1H, CJ1 a CS1, programy jsou kompatibilní z hlediska přidělování paměti i programových instrukcí.
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Number of built-in digital I/Os | Output type | Number of Ethernet ports | Supply voltage type | Number of encoder input channels | Max. number of PTP axes | Max. number of analogue I/O channels | Max. number of local I/O points | Max. number of expansion units | Communication port(s) | Communication option(s) | Popis | |
20 | Relay | 1 | DC | 4 | 0 | 14 | 60 | 1 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
20 | PNP | 1 | DC | 4 | 2 | 14 | 60 | 1 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
30 | Relay | 1 | DC | 4 | 0 | 34 | 150 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
30 | NPN | 1 | DC | 4 | 2 | 34 | 150 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
30 | PNP | 1 | DC | 4 | 2 | 34 | 150 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
40 | Relay | 1 | DC | 4 | 0 | 34 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
40 | NPN | 1 | DC | 4 | 2 | 34 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
40 | PNP | 1 | DC | 4 | 2 | 34 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
10 | Relay | 0 | DC | 4 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 0 | USB | None | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
10 | PNP | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 0 | USB | None | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
14 | Relay | 0 | AC | 4 | 0 | 8 | 54 | 1 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
14 | Relay | 0 | DC | 4 | 0 | 8 | 54 | 1 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
14 | PNP | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 8 | 54 | 1 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
20 | Relay | 0 | AC | 4 | 0 | 8 | 60 | 1 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
20 | Relay | 0 | DC | 4 | 0 | 8 | 60 | 1 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
20 | PNP | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 8 | 60 | 1 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
30 | Relay | 0 | AC | 4 | 0 | 25 | 150 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
30 | Relay | 0 | DC | 4 | 0 | 25 | 150 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
30 | PNP | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 25 | 150 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
40 | Relay | 0 | AC | 4 | 0 | 25 | 160 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
40 | Relay | 0 | DC | 4 | 0 | 25 | 160 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
40 | NPN | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 25 | 160 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
40 | PNP | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 25 | 160 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
60 | Relay | 0 | AC | 4 | 0 | 25 | 180 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
60 | Relay | 0 | DC | 4 | 0 | 25 | 180 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
60 | PNP | 0 | DC | 4 | 2 | 25 | 180 | 3 | USB | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
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