Kompaktní řídicí jednotka řady CP2
Mikroautomat PLC pro kompaktní zařízení, který podporuje sběr dat a komunikaci mezi stroji. Jde o výkonné a efektivní řešení pro samostatné sériové stroje, u nichž je poměr cena/výkon klíčový. Řídicí jednotka řady CP2E nabízí efektivní řešení pro flexibilní výrobu s využitím dohledatelnosti a sledování klíčových parametrů stroje, které vám pomohou k dosažení provozní dokonalosti.
- Nižší náklady na kabeláž a lepší možnosti komunikace díky vestavěnému dvouportovému ethernetovému switchi a vyhrazeným funkčním blokům. Pomocí sériového propojení pro komunikaci mezi stroji lze ušetřit na hardwaru a zjednodušit ethernetové připojení.
- Snadný sběr dat a řízení a monitorování sériových zařízení: k dispozici jsou až 3 sériové porty.
- Zlepšená efektivita návrhu a produktivita za účelem zkrácení doby vývoje díky modulárnímu konceptu stroje. Řada CP2E nabízí 4osé polohování s lineární interpolací a knihovnami Omron pro polohování, komunikaci mezi stroji a prediktivní údržbu.
- Nainstalujte a zapomeňte. Řídicí jednotky Omron CP2E představují spolehlivé řešení pro všechny okolní podmínky: nabízí vyšší rozsah provozních teplot, provoz bez baterie, indikátory LED na vstupních a výstupních svorkách pro rychlé řešení problémů nebo automatické obnovení provozu při elektrickém rušení.
- Doplňte konfiguraci o terminál HMI řady NB, který se k ní dokonale hodí.
Specifikace & informace pro objednání
Produkt | Number of built-in digital I/Os | Output type | Number of Ethernet ports | Supply voltage type | Number of encoder input channels | Max. number of PTP axes | Max. number of analogue I/O channels | Max. number of local I/O points | Max. number of expansion units | Communication port(s) | Communication option(s) | Popis | |
14 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0 | Serial RS-232C, USB | None | CP2E series compact PLC - Essential Type; 8 DI, 6DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 4 kStep Program memory |
20 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | Serial RS-232C, USB | None | CP2E series compact PLC - Essential Type; 12 DI, 8DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 4 kStep Program memory |
30 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 24 | 150 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Essential Type; 18 DI, 12DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 4 kStep Program memory |
40 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 24 | 160 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Essential Type; 24 DI, 16 DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 4 kStep Program memory |
60 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 24 | 180 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Essential Type; 36 DI, 24DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 4 kStep Program memory |
14 | Relay | 1 | AC | 6 | 0 | 4 | 14 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 8 DI, 6DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 10 kStep Program memory |
14 | Relay | 1 | DC | 6 | 0 | 4 | 14 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 8 DI, 6DO; Relay output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
14 | NPN | 1 | DC | 6 | 2 | 4 | 14 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 8 DI, 6DO; NPN output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
14 | PNP | 1 | DC | 6 | 2 | 4 | 14 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 8 DI, 6DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
20 | Relay | 1 | AC | 6 | 0 | 4 | 20 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 12 DI, 8DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 10 kStep Program memory |
20 | Relay | 1 | DC | 6 | 0 | 4 | 20 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 12 DI, 8DO; Relay output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
20 | NPN | 1 | DC | 6 | 2 | 4 | 20 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 12 DI, 8DO; NPN output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
20 | PNP | 1 | DC | 6 | 2 | 4 | 20 | 0 | Ethernet TCP/IP | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 12 DI, 8DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
30 | Relay | 2 | AC | 6 | 0 | 32 | 150 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 18 DI, 12DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 10 kStep Program memory |
30 | Relay | 2 | DC | 6 | 0 | 32 | 150 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 18 DI, 12DO; Relay output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
30 | PNP | 2 | DC | 6 | 4 | 32 | 150 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 18 DI, 12DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
40 | Relay | 2 | AC | 6 | 0 | 32 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 24 DI, 16 DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 10 kStep Program memory |
40 | Relay | 2 | DC | 6 | 0 | 32 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 24 DI, 16 DO; Relay output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
40 | NPN | 2 | DC | 6 | 4 | 32 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 24 DI, 16 DO; NPN output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
40 | PNP | 2 | DC | 6 | 4 | 32 | 160 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 24 DI, 16 DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
60 | Relay | 2 | AC | 6 | 0 | 32 | 180 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 36 DI, 24DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 10 kStep Program memory |
60 | Relay | 2 | DC | 6 | 0 | 32 | 180 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 36 DI, 24DO; Relay output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
60 | NPN | 2 | DC | 6 | 4 | 32 | 180 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 36 DI, 24DO; NPN output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
60 | PNP | 2 | DC | 6 | 4 | 32 | 180 | 3 | Ethernet TCP/IP | CompoBus/S Slave, Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-422, Serial RS-485 | CP2E series compact PLC - Network type; 36 DI, 24DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 10 kStep Program memory |
30 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 24 | 150 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 18 DI, 12DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 8 kStep Program memory |
30 | PNP | 0 | DC | 6 | 2 | 24 | 150 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 18 DI, 12DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 8 kStep Program memory |
40 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 24 | 160 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 24 DI, 16 DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 8 kStep Program memory |
40 | NPN | 0 | DC | 6 | 2 | 24 | 160 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 24 DI, 16 DO; NPN output; Power supply 24 VDC; 8 kStep Program memory |
40 | PNP | 0 | DC | 6 | 2 | 24 | 160 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 24 DI, 16 DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 8 kStep Program memory |
60 | Relay | 0 | AC | 6 | 0 | 24 | 180 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 36 DI, 24DO; Relay output; Power supply 220 VAC; 8 kStep Program memory |
60 | PNP | 0 | DC | 6 | 2 | 24 | 180 | 3 | Serial RS-232C, Serial RS-485, USB | CompoBus/S Slave | CP2E series compact PLC - Standard Type; 36 DI, 24DO; PNP output; Power supply 24 VDC; 8 kStep Program memory |
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